The Like and Get Likes Thread IV

Wrong sweetie, Zaera is top of the tree.

Frostpackers are a bunch of cavemen at the bottom of the tree


Monkey is top of the tree too.

He look like you, Zaera!

You are just jealous that Frostpackers and I can mine without permit. But dont worry, we leave you some crumbs :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Getting up the tree will require alot of foot kissing, I suggest you start now.


You write nonsense not even related to anythin, like word salad and put stupid gif.
You are joker of the forum, clown of New Eden, loser of EVE :sweat_smile:


The stuff being removed aren’t reservoir dams, rather diversion dams used for irrigation that have been abandoned or are well beyond their lifetime, they sually jsut hold a couple ofemter of water and the river just overlows them cotinuously, it’s a system we call “azud” literally brought up by the Arabs. They only slow down the stream a little but as for actual reservoir dams, one played a key role holding up a massive flood of 23 cubic hectometres in just three hours, at one point it was discharging full speed at a rate of 900 m3/s with a incoming stream of 3000 m3/s, but luckily the flood slowed down before topping the dam.

Part of the issue was that massive hydro works made to protect the city of Valencia from floods caused by river Turia made the flood “bounce” to the south of the city once it saturated the river Turia’s maximum outflow. Many people died because they were warned too late and earlier that day there was no warning of staying at home and not going ot work, at one point polticians stated that risk would be over by 18:00 (NOT what weather reports warned) and when the general alarm wa issued at 20:06 people were literally with water to he waist and rising, cars already floating around and many people got caught while trying to evacuate the lower places.

And it’s been whole lot of chaos afterwards, we haven’t had updates on victtms for two days but they’re probably 212 so far pending what they might find in a flooded underground parking belonging to a large shopping mall. People from the area state that most users prefer the surface parking and the underground parking only fills at peak times, not the case for a random tuesday evening. But pumping water will take 36 hours and latest news is they’re assesing the quality of water (whether there are toxics or other threats in it) before sending in scuba divers, there are three underground floors…


…no bodies at the parking of the Belaire mall… looks like 212 will be the final count, unless some flooded parking or basement hide some victims.

Time for cleaning and rebuilding. Learning or figuring lessons that can be learned. And remove some butts from some chairs in charge…

Night night, lovelies.


Just started to take a look at Gallery Conquest on my iPad and Havel the adapter to transfer the iPad screen to my 32” monitor.

Don’t know where to put this though it is very well packaged.



I have so many questions about that image… is he blind? Guess that’s what the sunglasses mean to convey, maybe? But how oh how has he never noticed that she’s so much taller than him? She’s bending over and yet her bust is barely at face level of him… and he has his hand on her shoulder and is almost as high as his own head… or may’be i’m reading too much in the image and the answer is “boobies”?

Anyway I’m off to bed now, so… night night lovelies!


Lady Windrunner was actually 8 foot tall and that man is no dwarf.


EDIT: I think I’mma spam Prince Ea videos for quite some time.


This isn’t the first time(zone) I see you post that. What do you mean by that?
( Not really, relax )


Ah, but we can’t vote, do we? As someone has put it, 4% of mankind gets to vote their democratically* chosen leader to tyrannize the rest of the world, and they couldn’t even make up their minds beforehand with a decent lead-up in polls.

*“democratically” as in an extremely loose interpretation of the word


Long time ago, when there was a time before these current forums, people were signing their posts with “Good morning/afternoon/evening/night” due to living in different timezones and it got confusing. So there was an agreement for a middle ground and that was saying “Timezone”.


I vote through my aunt and uncle who live in Louisiana. We have long phone conversations and get to agree on a candidate over the campaign period :slightly_smiling_face:


Hmmm… I have some cousins in Mexico (children and grandchildren of the son of my mother’s aunt) but I don’t have contact with them and don’t think they would feel inclined to move north and give me an indirect say… All them have Spanish nationality and the children of the older four could also claim it so if they ever felt inclined to leave Mexico they would have a easy path into a more developed country (if they just steer away from flood areas).


@Yiole_Gionglao My brother went to vacation in Spain this past summer… Their tour boat got caught in a storm and everyone thanked god for the experienced pilot. I haven’t gone to Spain yet.
I did go to Mexico, in Matamoros and Monterrey from Brownsville. Very nice and sweet people and beautiful country! I had a real Mexican Taco, nothing to do with Taco Bell!


You haven’t even had dinner with your king. What’s the point of having a monarchy if you don’t get to do fancy stuff with them?


Dwarfs and dark elves are basically the same in norse mythology, but for some reasons they became like those two entirely separate races in current fantasy.


Thank you Male Cat Owners who voted today!

warning political propaganda