Great painting music.
Ive been using my doobie break to browse the forums and havent even gotten started on the roll. This break may need extended.
Forum is rather slow today. I wonder how it will be if they close the old forum.
I’m waiting for a RPG vs Insurgent to load…
Hello o/
@STwise_GGWP Hehehe, they look like a couple.
I just noticed that when I dont have supplies in a bunker in GTA, nobody works. Everyone is sitting inside and doing something on a mobile phone.
Skill: Pickpocketing
Level: maximum
Phase one (Prep) Nearing completion. Cant wait to be done.
A good name…
“Dixon Cider”
Today has been a day.
Do you remember anything from last night?
Well, that is certainly an intriguing number there. 2,300+ years worth of concurrent game time in PLEX. Either somebody has the ability to hard crash the market or CCP’s database is having a bit of a tizzy.
Which is the more likely of the two since the Omega state expiring in ~25 years is another crazy number.
Why is there Raven when you are Alpha?
Are you flying it?
There were some bugs that caused people to log on on someone else character long time ago, but I think It was fixed.