Pain perdu or “lost bread” en francais…French toast made with FLAIR
So… ehm… Feierabend! \o/ … what’s the english word for Feierabend?
Ah we have a similar recipe in Spain, “torrijas”, just we fry them in oil rather than butter and use cinnamon instead of vanilla.
If I knew the language that would be a start friend It’s anthropology is stale bread is bad…dip in seasoned custard mixture…fry in butter or lard. Serve with fruit, compote, or maple syrup. Aunt Jamima for muricans
This can also be sprinkled with powdered sugar or cinnamon. Quite versatile.
My ex wife liked it with ketchup…yuck…hence the ex part.
Similar principle, stale bread, soak an soften with milk, sugar and cinnamon, fry in olive oil, let them cool, cover them with a cloth and eat them next day with sugar, honey or marmalade (if you’re an heretic).
Ketchup??? You have my sympathy, some lines shouldn’t be crossed.
I made a thread in the out of pod on 50’s slang. Join the fun you squares!
Direct link!
“first link” badge attained…yoink.
That’s boss baby, I’ma beat feet over there for the apple butter.
Coolio Daddio…bring your babe for some backseat bingo. We love it.
That’s how I feel today. Just so much worse
it’s backseat BINGO, knecking with your sweety in the back of a car slim…like get with it Jack.
After work hours, I guess… kamma nicht wirklich übersetzen.
Also: CUUUTE duckliiing!!! squeee
…damn hormones.
Everything with ketchup tastes more like ketchup, so maybe she just liked ketchup?
Good ketchup is not bad, you can add some onions, curry powder and red paprika. Something like this.
I made it without water, was good with grilled pork sausages.
Of course sausages on their own need no seasoning, but I just wanted to try something new.
I decided to ignore the backseat & went for the backstreet Bingo… hehe “B-3”.
I hear that nutmeg is a big flavor in ketchup…I LIKE it on fries…that’s about all.
My thread needs some love. I’m peelin’ out soon in my ride…hope we can start a greaser revolution in eve. Cool cats only, no squares or clydes.
I made a post but that stuff is pretty hard!