Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
Timezone everyone o/
I had a dream today about picking apart some old computer and salvaging the parts to use it to build a working one. After some time I got only one little board and that was anything what was working. But it was enough make functional computer. Ancient programs were working on it. Now I remember I have one very old computer without computer screen, will have to see if it is still even functioning.
It’s all part of his bigger plan to take over the planet.
@discobot fortune
Is your plan to take over the planet going accordingly?
My reply is no
@discobot fortune
Are you lying again?
Better not tell you now
Man using Amarr Laser Turret gif
Street drag cars vs stripped stock Tesla P100D… what could go wrong?
It’s the future, boys. And it’s killing the clockwork gasmuzzlers with a whisper.
I’m an exoplanet hunter now
and you guys need to post more. Waaaay more.
No moment in time is ever unproductive. All forms of data collection is valuable to the cosmic creator. It is unable to collect the data within its creation. For it lacks form. It is but merely that witch has setup the reaction that is our dimension of existence. All things that exist in it are valuable data points. Unique to its occupied point in this space and moment.
Just think of your self as how the universe experiences its self. Imagine what it must be like to be a asteroid. Or a virus. There maybe things smaller than quantum strings and larger than the universe its self. Everything every moment is unique and valuable.
All information is useful under the right circumstances.*
I do love learning new things
Anyway, apparently Linus needs more posts
On which to unload his Likes
And here I am
Ready to be liked
and I am ready to give likes