Spell check is the bane of those who type too fast… I use it at my job for all professional writing, but sometimes I wish I could just dictate and have some professional typewriter do the job.
I logged into eve like 5 hours ago, still haven’t done anything yet #Lazy #F1 life
The galaxies are happy today
Go to sleep, monkey. You must be really tired. Go to sleep and let us eat you.
Also: random nerd hymn.
This is how you make a song about stellar fusion and the life cycle of stars…
Can something be nerdier than a song about pulsars using sampled signals from actual pulsars?
An actual pulsar sound… like the Vela pulsar:
Each “beat” is a energy & matter beam exiting the dead star.
And, let’s call it a day. Nighties lovelies!
Discourshit is open-source. So anyone can modify it. Technically,we should be blaming CCP’s sloppiness for not modifying it enough. FeelsGoodMan
Who ever manages to impose a swear jar into the entirety of the internet would be the richest man in the world
I would love to be the guy collecting the jars contents. Just to count it. Really.
@StonerPhReaK Meet your maker
Grandmas have a real racket going
I’m fading fast…
Timezone o/
But why dead? Maybe its only the orther kind of life, on a larger scale. Maybe its only a part of something greater, hidden, and our mind, senses and sensors cant grasp it.
Hamster wheel cooled PC! Hamster sold separately with RGB hamster options available! CCP, get yours today for F R E E
ISD_Buldath is trying to chicken out.
I don’t know if it would even be possible to add pages to Discourshit without essentialy making another forum software. Also, let’s remind that Discourshit’s most prominent feature is a powerful internal messaging system and CCP has denied access to that feature for users…
Oh, and good morning LAGLers!
You’re spamming posts quite a lot for having complained about spammy behavior not so long ago
You mean as in posting single words and spreading sentences over dozens of mesages? I think I’ve seen that, but certainly not from the author of the completely fake “10 messages rule”. Also the custom of adding a “also” message after my goodnight message is something I already was doing at the old LAGL. It’s a tradition!