Now you’ll have to remember the post number instead I guess Nana
The most important question is, can we break dis thread with likes
Likes are probably one of the more important commodities in eve online.
Can we break it? YES WE CAN!
Anything can be broken, its just a matter of sheer numbers!
Pages do not exist, pages are oldschool.
Are we still on first page?
Is there pages at all?
Always on the first page!
Also minimum of 20 characters in a post, it’s like I’m expected to put in effort for my likes now.
20 characters
And new users cannot post images
Rough times indeed :<
This works more like Twitter than a forum. I hate Twitter.
I knew it will happen. Discourse is the curse of our times. \o/
@Kaaeliaa CP has forced us to use this, SAD!
Well it’s not all bad.
I just got the forum badge “Basic,” which means I can post images.
CCP, you trolls! I’m a basic bitch.
@discobot fortune
Will I get onto CSM 13?
Reply hazy try again