Ratting under capital umbrella
The default character avatars on forum without script changed from default 90 px to 45 px?
I had to replace 90 with 45 for avatar script to work.
- The magnitude of this hack compares favorably with that of the national debt.
They had fun
Looks more like a US picture to me. The Russians would surely write “HIP-HOP” in Cyrillic…
I haven’t noticed anyhting, my script is working fine…
The more it goes, the more I feel proud to be a weirdo who never wanted anything to do with social internet. People is crazy… stupid and crazy. And they fall prey to the stupid, crazy and greedy.
You don’t know me, Facebook. And I’m so proud of it.
Strange, now the script is working fine.
Mars. Good music about it is common.

They expected the booster to break apart, but it didn’t. So they asked the Air Force to break it apart for them
Probably some airforce pilots still are recovering from the brawl to get the mission.
“See, we need a volunteer to pew pew a dead rocket floating on the ocean before someone gets hurt. Any…?”
It’s this time of day again. I am going to bed to try and sleep and before doing it I come here to say: nighties lovelies!
Also: here is a thing. I’m not really sold on it, though. Looks like it’s running at 100% power and struggling, so there’s a long road to go. Also hard stats (ceiling, range, velocity) are missing.
Also: those blades! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot guys, are there no trees/people/blade-interacting stuff in China?
Galaxy table almost complete. Gonna blue tint the wood and seal it tight. The top rotates as well. It will be useful to hold all my airbrush paints and accessories. I am a full time space nerd. TBC