If you’d post it somewhere else, sure. I’m not going to unblock the data kraken.
Yes , they also have those nifty things to derail trains illegally which can work perfectly in emergency situation to save both crews of worker (whether they do their jobs right or not) or zombies on the other track.
I’d have to agree with you on taking both the crew and zombies, if they are up to no good with equal force.
You know why people become capsuleers…Less dilemma for the world!
What a strange calculator, tries to divide by zero.
A Doctor Eggman’s face painted broken egg with the flag of Scotland in his eyes.
There are scams with Ethereum cryptocoin now:
“Send me x ETH, i will send you 2x ETH back”
Literally Jita.
Pro leveh dorifto!
Yeah, that’s what it is. Nice image recognition AI!
That’s not legit. Legit scams give you back bitcoins!
The future, ladies 'n gentlemen!
But, why would people do such dumb things? It baffles me.
And still no sign of the EVE tv series.
But there is EVE t.v. series. It was shot under a different name: Battlestar Galactica