The like and get likes thread



I changed my mind. I won’t get into the debate because I have a lot to say and I don’t want to get banned yet.

Today I got my e-Government password from the post office. Our government uploaded every individual’s pedigree list(family tree) to the e-Government portal. In my country this is the new craze now among teens. Of course it doesn’t cover all the way back to Adam and Eve(or up to monkeys if you’re non-religious) since the data relies on Ottoman taxation archives. My dad’s family is listed all the way back to my dad’s mother’s mother’s father born in 1837. Sadly, my mother’s heritage is only listed back to 1891.

Spreadsheet legend:
Yakınlık Derecesi = Degree of Relation
Adı = Name
Soyadı = Last Name
Baba Adı = Father’s Name
Ana Adı = Mother’s Name
Doğum Yeri ve Tarihi = Birth Place and Date
İl-İlçe-Mahalle/Köy = City-County-Neighborhood/Village
Cilt-Hane-Birey Sıra No = Volume-House-Individual Number
Medeni Hali = Marital Status
Durumu = State

Babasının = Father’s
Annesinin = Mother’s
Annesi = Mother
Babası = Father
Kendisi = Himself/Herself

Evli = Married
BekĂąr = Single
Dul = Widow

ÖlĂŒm = Death
Sağ = Alive


Wise decision :joy:


The reason why my Father’s Mother’s Father’s Mother seen as alive is because her death was never reported. So granny Fatma isn’t actually alive and she most certainly isn’t world’s oldest person at the age of 150. :smile:


I only know that my ancestors came from a small village in a forest. Before that must have been another small forest village somewhere else, and before that it was a little village in forest too. Because all that was here were small villages in forest, for a long long time. And the name is tied to people living in small villages in the forest.

Actually I ended up in a small village and there are forests around. So nothing changes.



There’s nothing to be ashamed of.


My ancestors were proud VIKINGS and I don’t need a family tree to tell me that. Looking into the mirror is enough :smirk:


:drooling_face: (is secretly still running on Western Digital Caviar Black HDDs)


I worked at a outdoor shooting range part time for a few years and saw my fair share of morons that should be nowhere near a firearm. Had to kick out a quite a few people for being absolutely idiotic and several others for smelling alcohol on them. Loaded weapons before they got to the range, poor trigger discipline, no hearing/eye protection, carrying the weapon wrong etc. I’d say the gunnut or collector was among the most safety conscious of the bunch and the average moron with some cheap AR-15, AK variant or semi-auto pistol was the worst of the offenders.

Every once in a while we would get a bunch of old guys with their “rail guns” as they called them which is a super accurate single shot rifle mounted on rail with a heavy steel base and they would shoot to see who was the most accurate. They would shoot out at 200 yards and measure the groupings on the target with a micrometer. Who ever had the tightest grouping was the winner. I always enjoyed watching them as it’s just incredible how accurate they are.


That can be good if you have a lot of autobahn to do over the years


Beddy time, nighties lovelies!

Also: SpaceX newest toy, a rocket fairing recovery vessel!

It’s expected to recover the fairing for the Falcon 9 launching the Spanish satellite PAZ. The first stage will be discarded since it’s from an older version (v3) and SpaceX is not interested to recover them anymore.


looks like some kind of spider turned upside down, floating.

Wanted mine new car to look like it would be in family for generations:


I think most cultural and social issues begin in the home.

The biggest common denominator between perpetrators of all violent crime, including mass-shooters, is the overwhelming majority come from broken homes, mostly fatherless. And it’s only getting worse. Right now it’s particularly bad for the black community in the USA, with a 70% single motherhood rate in homes. No role models for young men beyond their peers or local gangs = a community that produces 60% of all violent crime in America. The connections and correlations are so clear, but so politically-incorrect so society is unlikely to ever face them honestly.

This should be the bread-and-butter of our social sciences and academia, they should be telling us this stuff, simple multi-varied analysis of social issues. But they’re too busy creating them today, breaking down the traditional family, discouraging marriage, attacking men, trying to find transphobia in Shakespeare and blaming everything on capitalism.

Mass shootings make up an infinitesimal percent of American gun violence, something like less than 3% and gun violence actually continues on it’s downward trend regardless of how frequent they ‘feel’. But if people want to address the true root of the issue then I believe it’s going to take enormous cultural change over several generations. We can’t fix it by removing guns from the equation, this is real hard work that will take 50 - 100 years.


in that timespan I will need immortality to see any effect.

An secont thought, lets just work on immortality, the rest in not so important. :smirk:


Reminds me of Jason Silva!! :heart_eyes:

But aye, I blame almost everything on modern academia. The humanities have lost their way collectively across most of western culture and have actually caused a good half of the problems they activists for in the first place. We need a good clean out of tertiary education at this point, we’re all so divided right now and most of that can be traced back to the steaming piles of s**t coming out of our universities 
 Paid for by your tax dollars.

Anyway, I’m resubbing, lol Apparently my old base was destroyed in my ol’ C2 while I was asleep. Gonna need to get the fam to highsex and see wats gud.


A lot of stuff gone in flames and explosions, maybe because the new ones are so good looking. :sunglasses: