The like and get likes thread

Ah, but it was just the still picture. The video is from 2014 actually, guess it’s taken some detours before reaching my inbox. :sunglasses:


LOL procedural cuisine for star citizen, has cookery gone too far? :joy:


What…? Oh I see, it’s April 1st. :sweat_smile:


FancyThat: ​Can I get a $350 Egg Warbond edition?

Comments are so good. :rofl:


What would happen if it has gone too far?
Do we have to bring it closer to Earth or the moon or Mars?

What would happen if it has gone beyond too far?

At least it doesn’t seem too red which may or may not be a good thing.


I know only that it looks so good that they should bring it. \o/


Hmmpf. Everything needed for them to talk to me but yet none will give me the time. Wut Do?


What about corporation you are in? Maybe its corporation standings issue. :woman_shrugging:


My corp is green to everyone. Im guessing its the bad amarr faction standing stopping them from speaking to me.


Ah, it does. When its as low as less than -2. Only lvl 1 agents then.

But you can run Sisters of EVE Epic Arc. When you choose a commander at the end, the rewards is a big boost to chosen faction standings. :slight_smile:


End of sunday, time of bed. Nighties lovelies!


What’s wrong?


What’s the bad Amarr faction standing?


If it takes 1.5 years to reach Mars with nuclear reactor engines, then it won’t be possible to make the route faster.
I thought the current 1.5 years to reach Mars was with other propulsion systems and that Nuclear Reactor Engines could do it faster.
It would also take less than 3 years to come back, after which the bones would be hurt even more.
The martian gravity won’t heal the whole system.

the gravity on Mars’ surface is much lower than it is here on Earth – 62% lower to be precise. At just 0.376 of the Earth standard (or 0.376 g), a person who weighs 100 kg on Earth would weigh only 38 kg on Mars.

This difference in surface gravity is due to a number of factors – mass, density, and radius being the foremost. Even though Mars has almost the same land surface area as Earth, it has only half the diameter and less density than Earth – possessing roughly 15% of Earth’s volume and 11% of its mass.

Calculating Martian Gravity:
Scientists have calculated Mars’ gravity based on Newton’s Theory of Universal Gravitation, which states that the gravitational force exerted by an object is proportional to its mass. When applied to a spherical body like a planet with a given mass, the surface gravity will be approximately inversely proportional to the square of its radius. When applied to a spherical body with a given average density, it will be approximately proportional to its radius.

Fig. 2 Variations of gravity accelerations over Mars’s surface. Azimuthal equidistant projection with a central meridian of 0° longitude (right) and 180° (left). Data shown is from MGM2011.
The Mars Gravity Model 2011 (MGM2011), showing variations of gravity accelerations over Mars’s surface. Credit:

These proportionalities can be expressed by the formula g = m/r2, where g is the surface gravity of Mars (expressed as a multiple of the Earth’s, which is 9.8 m/s²), m is its mass – expressed as a multiple of the Earth’s mass (5.976·1024 kg) – and r its radius, expressed as a multiple of the Earth’s (mean) radius (6,371 km).

For instance, Mars has a mass of 6.4171 x 1023 kg, which is 0.107 times the mass of Earth. It also has a mean radius of 3,389.5 km, which works out to 0.532 Earth radii. The surface gravity of Mars can therefore be expressed mathematically as: 0.107/0.532², from which we get the value of 0.376. Based on the Earth’s own surface gravity, this works out to an acceleration of 3.711 meters per second squared.

At present, it is unknown what effects long-term exposure to this amount of gravity will have on the human body. However, ongoing research into the effects of microgravity on astronauts has shown that it has a detrimental effect on health – which includes loss of muscle mass, bone density, organ function, and even eyesight.

Understanding Mars’ gravity and its affect on terrestrial beings is an important first step if we want to send astronauts, explorers, and even settlers there someday. Basically, the effects of long-term exposure to gravity that is just over one-third the Earth normal will be a key aspect of any plans for upcoming manned missions or colonization efforts.

Artist’s concept of a Martian astronaut standing outside the Mars One habitat. Credit: Bryan Versteeg/Mars One
Artist’s concept of a Martian astronaut standing outside the Mars One habitat. Credit: Bryan Versteeg/Mars One

For example, crowd-sourced projects like Mars One make allowances for the likelihood of muscle deterioration and osteoporosis for their participants. Citing a recent study of International Space Station (ISS) astronauts, they acknowledge that mission durations ranging from 4-6 months show a maximum loss of 30% muscle performance and maximum loss of 15% muscle mass.

Their proposed mission calls for many months in space to get to Mars, and for those volunteering to spend the rest of their lives living on the Martian surface. Naturally, they also claim that their astronauts will be “well prepared with a scientifically valid countermeasures program that will keep them healthy, not only for the mission to Mars, but also as they become adjusted to life under gravity on the Mars surface.” What these measures are remains to be seen.


Good morning LAGLers!

The Chinese orbiter Tiangong 1 eventually burned and crashed harmlessly above the southern Pacific, and ironically it barely missed the “spacecraft graveyard” area which is further south than where the Tiangong fell. Since it’s a very far and unpopulated area, likely nobody even saw it.


Timezone everyone :kissing_heart:/

So today I dreamed about a place that was in the process of building, and it was so shoddy work that the ceiling was about to fall down just after it was build. Very bad work, actually it reminds me of the work sometimes done here on streets. Its like they just fill holes with a gravel and pour some dirty water instead of asphalt. :rofl:


Today I moved several ships to low sec to the place where my friends roam–Vard.

Moving from the Forge I chose the Egghelende route, which is more risky but saves about 10 jumps than taking the Amamake route. I did checked Egghelende zkillboard beforehand, and noticed the gang camping Egghelende at that moment was mainly camping the Aurcel gate. So I set route to Jel and jumped. Two Gnosis warped to the Jel gate about 20 seconds after I jumped in. If I had loitered for a few more seconds I would be sure dead. One of our mates was not that fortunate.

I then joined my friends roaming in a small frig/destoyer gang in low sec. I learned it’s kinda hard to move supplies to those low sec, but thanks to our generous and intrepid donor!

I didn’t show up on this kill because I clicked jump stargate.