@discobot I’m confused as crap with this new setup
@discobot fortune
Will you serve your CCP overlords well and forver?
My sources say no
OK no one else is worried about this?
@discobot fortune.
Will you fetch me coffee soon?
I feel as if discobot needs to be the most liked “individual”
Cannot predict now
This popup that appears when you click someones portrait seems like a good place to put a total likes counter http://puu.sh/wpy8j/e1ee133d91.jpg nudge nudge
@discobot tell me a ■■■■■■■ joke mate or im gonna beat the ■■■■ out of u alright?
It also fetches it for GMs, but not ISD.
Remember, I liked you.
Lies! It’s in your programming.
@discobot fortune
Is CSM The Judge going to be a slave to @CCP_Fozzie 's desires?!
Without a doubt
Thought so… The traitor.
@discobot delet this
It’s not a real lagl thread without me.
Also. Why is discobot called discobot and not Aura?
Your code have no power here!
MIZ! <3
Welcome to the new LAGL.
Aura has other duties on the forums (though she’s called @system)