I don’t give two s whether you respect it or not lol.
EVE had its era of greatest financial success when suicide ganking was far more effective.
Obviously not. I just find it odd that you feel compelled to brag in public about how bad you are at a game.
I believe eve is having great financial success currently. Previous high turn overs also had higher development costs.
^^ You won’t be saying that when i’m undercutting your alt by millions of isk because I don’t give two s about isk. Easy come easy go. As for bad at the game been a while since I exploded, since eve is about being exploded i’m doing pretty well.
Like I said, I have no idea why you feel compelled to brag about how bad at EVE you are.
It’s a game plain and simple. In a sandbox playstyles differ get over yourself xd.
TIL that “being terrible at the game and deliberately throwing away ISK because you don’t know how to do industry” is a play style.
I know how to do industry just fine, i’m the b a s t a r d that floods the market and undercuts. Upsetting everyone.
Apparently you don’t, if you’re bragging about how much money you deliberately lose.
IMO the problem with ganking is that the one counter low SP players have has disappeared. Used to be that if you had, say, less than 1 B ISK, or maybe 500 M ISK, worth of cargo, you were pretty unlikely to get ganked. Lately, it seems like just about any cargo is enough to get you ganked. I had a completely empty Bestower get ganked the other day for some reason…
For me, that’s fine. I use a DST or blockade runner if I’m moving something valuable. When I’ve been ganked, I either don’t care, or deserve it for doing something stupid to save time. I have a good counter to ganking available. Frankly, I kind of like that ganking exists- makes long hi sec hauls less painfully dull.
But what about a new player that isn’t even close to being able to fly one of those? What is their counter, other than making tons of smaller trips? IMO new players need a better, and more obvious, counter to ganking. Maybe make a version of each T1 indy that aligns slower and has a smaller hold, but is capable of markedly higher EHP? Nowhere near the DST, but enough that it generally isn’t worth trying to gank them if they don’t have valuable cargo?
Why do they need more counters when they already have such an obvious one? Along with using an alt scout, staying away from the main ganking systems, etc.
Money means nothing to me, just the playstyle. Your brain can’t compute that, I simply do not give a toss. Isk pff how much isk i have pfff pfff pfff. I make billions every month I used to sit on the pipes and hit freighters 315,315.000 bounties isk just so code will blow em up on their way to jita. just to pass the pass the time. I’d work my arse off just to pull it off just to slap bounties on them. Just like the next burn jita i’ll slap 50k cata’s on the market for 500k per hull. Why because I want to.
A play style which is apparently “deliberately being bad at what you try to do”. You aren’t really trolling anyone by dumping underpriced stuff on the market, the smart players just buy it up and make free profit off your stupidity.
No the smart players see Eve as a job. I see Eve as a playground. Doing what I want when I want. If that means dropping dead bodies outside Stations in null and watching everyone dock up because of it, I’m sitting at my comp laughing my arse off. Cloaky Loki ftw. Same in wormholes not one part of the game is off limits. All it cost’s me is one sub a month to do what i want, thankyou CCP. Eve Rocks o7. I’m a free floating partical of chaos. o7 capsuleer.
Ive died so many times doing this ■■■■.
Yeah, I mean, if I was born over as a new player, knowing what I know now, I could make a go of it with strategies like that, but that actually takes a fair bit of knowledge about the game. Many new players, for example, don’t want to pay for a second account or are alphas. I don’t think having an alt should be something you need just to get through your first month of hauling veldspar or whatever… Besides, even being able to easily tell if ganking is going on at a gate isn’t obvious until you’ve played a bit and know which kinds of ships are used for it. Knowing which systems are prone to ganking is also not something new players generally are aware of, and in a lot of cases, the ganking systems are ganking systems because they’re hard to avoid. IMO there ought to be a more obvious, simple, solution for hauling low value cargo in cheap, low SP, ships.
I dunno. There used to be basically a built in protection for new players because gankers ganked only high-value cargo. So it was a fun challenge for more experienced players, without too much harassing of newer players. I think we ought to shift back a ways in that direction. The root problem CCP faces, IMO, is getting players to stick with the game through the first 3 months. If the first 3 months were a bit smoother of a learning curve, I think we’d have 10 times as many players in the game, and hence there would be 10 times as many developers, the game would be more likely to remain economically viable for CCP another 10 years, etc.
Noooooo, stop engaging this dude. He’s a troll but just an obnoxious one with a boring attitude. The more you poke at him in this thread the less we get to hear from AJ, who is the real star of this thread’s troll competition.