The probank

I would like to borrow 5 bil uncollaterized, to expand my production.

Send me an eve mail. if we can work something out.
loan period would be something like 2-3 months

@probag_Bear I would like to request a 10Bill loan for 1 month. I can collateralize 8Bill and would request 2bill uncollateralized. Please eve mail me if this is something we can work out

Requesting an increase on my loan 8.4b loan, 2-4 months

Unfortunately all available collateral is tied up in that loan, so would be uncollateralized.

Reason for loan would be to set up my new alt, Alexi White, who has started trading in Amarr while this toon is in Jita. I have used 5bil of my trading ISK from this toon, but would prefer to give my alt a headstart so she is up to speed with this toon.

I can accommodate 20bil but am expecting less as its uncollat


I want a small loan. Want to talk ingame or discord.

Requesting a loan of 3 billion uncollateralized. Eve mail me if needed


Sorry everyone else, I’m taking a serious break from Eve. Have not even logged in, in about 40-50 days.

Life comes first, eve hobbies a close second :stuck_out_tongue: Dont be afraid to lurk places though.

Hey. So I’m back to Eve. Sorry for my break and complete absence.

I’ve received:

I seem to be missing:

Edit: found @Fannie_Anathema’s

Would u consider lending me a loan ?

I’m looking for 10b can provide collateral

Asked u some time ago, but u where absent I am looking for a loan for more reacting material. So I can keep my lines running for longer. Contact me if we can figure something out. This would be without collateral. 5-10 bil

@Miezip_Eclipse @KiloAlpha give me a little bit of time to get back into the game properly. I have a few hours off work on Saturday and maybe on Monday.

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