The Real CSM

@Spruillo LOL. The OP hate PVE. Specialy miners.

The eve Confederacy lives again, I’ll join 2021’s CSM (Confederation of Stellar Management).

The OP is roleplaying!

hot, very hot

Just let this thread die…

The McCandless Thinktank/Lobby Group/Quango says this thread has provable health benefits and should be made mandatory in all schools.

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/me hisses loudly

I don’t know about lewd, but I lost it at “lap cat” and the subsequent response from said lap cat.
I would honestly vote for this whole set based on the hilarity of that one single thing.

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Let us all take a moment to gaze upon this quote in silent awe of it’s honesty.
Let us further ignore all possible context, and just let it sit there in all of it’s scintillating glory.

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The “response” technically came first, just FYI.

Um… No.

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