The real reasons player population is declining

You do not remember your own death as you are a clone and the last agonizing few seconds of your existence where redacted from the link to preserve your sanity…

You are but a copy of a copy, with your meat spread throughout the cosmos… Frozen and adrift…
A testament to how worthless you, a mere copy of a failure.
That you are…
As are we all…

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And yet we think of ourselves as demigods…

Demigods whose true consciousness residing in the heavens of the realm of Terra, out of the reach of the masses of NPCity.
Minds slowly decaying while the forms we use to interact with such lesser beings remain pristine, age less, unchanging…

Until at last, our consciousness is no longer able to carry out the greatest of fantastic feats.
Called by name by the masses of NPCity.
The feat of transitioning, mind, body and soul.
The feat… Of (((Logging)))

Then at long last, in the waning days of our existence.
The only thing that remains… A memory…
Held by such minor beings as NPC’s, who’s greatest length of recall, is merely that of no longer than a time of six Terran months, before finally being erased, by such demigods as the omnipotent and unstoppable (((Devs)))
May you rest in deleted, over written data banks, before there to, your last remains are interred into the great recycling plant and it’s holy shredders.





I dont think either CCP or players are responsible for most of it.

Times/preferences have changed.

For all we know, trends may shift in coming years again, and games like EVE become more popular again.

There is absolutely no sign of that happening, and the industry is actually pushing towards even more mindlessness. That’s why the whole gambling thing started as well. They were looking for better ways to squeeze mindless, easily addicted people out of their money.

For all we know, which from my perspective is a lot, we will be seeing things getting worse within the next 5 years. Politics and media influences in the west are making sure of that.

Forum rules say we can not talk about that, though. vOv


Been perusing the “What brought you to EVE” thread.

I think many older players (both in EVE age, and their actual age) have a different background related to gaming. We want the complexity/risk. We dreamed of a game like EVE as kids/teens.

We are a dying breed.


Yes. Exactly this.




You must be new to EvE.

Wait… doesn’t the pod fry my clone’s brain istantly the moment the pod is cracked? In that case, I don’t recall my agonizing few seconds because they were pretty painless, right?

Also, theory of mine here, but I think the process is explainable through quantum teleportation, as in the wave function that constitutes your consciousness is transfered from a set of particles to another.
It can work if we assume that our essence is not the matter we are made of but the state it’s in.

If we ignore the ludicrous amount of resources needed to transfer such a function and still go with the quantum teleportation, you are not a copy.
Wave function cannot be copied in quantum computing and quantum communication due to the no-cloning theorem. At most, they can be transfered from a set of particles (qubit) to another set of particles.

In this case your consciousness would be literally jumping from a place to another.
As other human beings, your consciousness would still be a particular quantum state hosted by a solid medium (brain), but thanks to the capsule we aren’t bound to a single piece of hardware.

Of course, all the power of a capsuleer is borrowed from someone else. If the clone bay infrastructure were to collapse, we would be screwed.

Thank you for the catch. (consciousness)

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These two videos are about as close as I can get to explaining how a quantum transfer of consciousness would could be… Unpleasant…

Well that is the AAA industry and they are just disgusting. But there are a lot of smaller indie companies which bring new interesting and even hard games and people like it.

And we shouldn’t really be surprised either. I mean most people are idiots, and since gaming became mainstream many games will be created for idiots. And obviously that’s where all the attention will go and what the media will talk about. But no one forces us to play the same game they do. There was never a time where you had more actually good games you could enjoy, just ignore the whole mainstream stuff which targets idiots.


Yes, that is correct … but it does not necessarily help. Your post sounds horribly optimistic! : - )

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I just accepted the fact that most people are idiots since the dawn of the human race and that this will probably never change. That has nothing to do with being optimistic at all. It’s just not worth losing any sleep over it since it is not something we can change anyway.

If you are a horrible person like those AAA and mobile game publishers you would just abuse the fact they are so stupid and try to milk them for money. I would never do that, but my compassion for them is pretty limited.


A difference, compared to the past, is that the amount of idiots is increasing significantly and is allowed the ability to communicate everywhere, whenever he wants. That was not possible in the past and it was a good thing. Nowadays he is the center of everything, which makes for a rather grim future.


You know what makes some players quit…

For example the attitude of some towards a certain miner a couple of hundred of posts ago.

He initially made a point about NPC’s whacking his stuff with no meaningful way to defend his stuff, nor warnings about said danger levels of NPC’s in-game. (patches notes are not really in game are they anymore without an in game browser?)

and a few of you made it about being PvP, when he was talking only about PvE mechanics.
You trolled him, baited him, insulted him…
For no other reason than you are assholes instead of understanding what he was actually saying.
And yes, granted he finally stooped to your level…but that is human nature, one can only take so much
albeit some more than others before they start swinging when an asshole is constantly in their personal space and breathing bull$hit in one’s face.

So yep attitude is 1 primary reason players leave.


I don’t think their amount is increasing. Even the ancient greek philosophers talked about this. It has always been this way. They also talked about how to best lie to a crowd so they vote for you, which kinda makes you think that nothing ever changes :wink:

I think the reason we perceive it like there are more and more idiots is that technology got to a point where even the most stupid person can use it and voice his opinion globally and can network with other idiots to echo-chamber their idiocy to new heights.