I understand perfectly. Understanding something does not mean agreeing with it.
You fail to undertand that you want to make the gameplay of a minority even worse,just because you disagree with what they do.
So… why doyou hate minorities?
I understand perfectly. Understanding something does not mean agreeing with it.
You fail to undertand that you want to make the gameplay of a minority even worse,just because you disagree with what they do.
So… why doyou hate minorities?
No, you dont understand, I dont hate minorities, but something made you think so. Just say it, we are humans, we can be in error.
If that is true, then why do you want to make the life of a minority, of which 90% of the rest of highsec never interact with anyway, even harder?
You are really biased I see. I wanted to give counterplay for scanning, not because I hate gankers, its because I dont want such obvious hole unpatched as ship scanning to have perfect results. I would rather think its biased towards ganker when its 100% correct in the range. If the percentage of scan would be 50% of items showing on scan with antiscanner module fitted, well you would see it as making the game harder for ganker, for me its just more logical and realistic as a counterplay. But they could gank target anyway, so where its biased? Gank for lols.
You want counterplay to a passive activity that does not do anything to the one thatis being scanned? Oookaaayyy…
In any case do you want to harm the gameplay of a small amount of people, and your excuse is “fairness”, ignoring that what you want is unfair to the few who actually do it. You might not hate minorities, but apparently you have no issues with trampling on them.
You can not claim that such a change would help anyone, because it would not. It would only make life even harder for the few who are left doing it, while changing nothing for the vast majority of people who never get scanned anyway.
You should stop with that, anybody can see that ship scanners are gankers weapon not to assess risks, because how you can assess risks if you 100% sure what is inside the ship? Its just too easy. HTFU.
HTFU does not apply. Tell it to those who get ganked, because they deserve it. You just want to hate on a small minority of people you disagree with. That is what your changeis about: making it harder for them, to discourage them from their gameplay. What you think youare doing, and what the outcome is, might not be the same… but what matters is the end result.
And that end result makes it clear that you have a personal issue with gankers, because if you looked at it objectively, you would accept that there is no issue that needs to be addressed, because barely anyone ganks anyway.
There is nothing more to add. Thank you.
Well, if you feel that to one group of players HTFU doesnt apply because “reasons”, and the other group should just accept that, well that makes you pretty biased and considering this too:
Tell it to those who get ganked, because they deserve it.
Only CONCORD is right, only CONCORD always wins.
Hehe, yes, of course.
A module to prevent cargo scans seems pointless and even redundant, since you can already put cargo in plastic wrap to hide the contents, and if anything, it seems to make you more likely to get ganked, because gankers assume it’s something valuable. You could also fly a blockade runner to avoid scans, but blockade runners are also priority gank targets if their pilots are dumb enough to make themselves gankable.
Nana is as unreasonable as the other clueless haters and apparently incapable of realizing that she is proving my point. Shows how much she really cares about anyone but herself.
Case in point:
She knows that her idea would impact the income of a tiny amount of people, a true minority, yet claims she does not actually hate that minority. Oh no, of course not. She just wants it “fair” for the poor victims who got ganked, right, and the fact that these people should blame themselves does not count at all.
Yes, ■■■■ with the gameplay of the few who are left doing it, totally not with the intention of discouraging it enough so no one does it anymore.
So such ships get ganked as a matter of course?
Clueless haters? Who stated that gank victims deserve it? You troll.
Anyone with some sense knows that gank victims deserved to die… otherwise they wouldn’t have died…
Anyone with some sense knows that gank victims are ganked because you can do it. You cant hide a fact that you can gank everyone everywhere. I feel people are too much biased.
Especially shareholders of CODE.
Only an idiot not paying attention, an idiot that didn’t tank, an idiot carrying 16b in his cargo, an idiot autopiloting or afk will get ganked
It’s so easy to avoid that it makes people like you look terrible at the game
Only an idiot not paying attention, an idiot that didn’t tank, an idiot carrying 16b in his cargo, an idiot autopiloting or afk will get ganked
What else can get ganked than those hmm?
You think you’re such an expert on things, but you’re just another random posting on the forums
Hehe, and ganker asks me how to gank, you are really bad.
First off, I’m not a ganker
Secondly, you claim what I said was “false” without anything else to add.
Why do people get ganked?
I’m listening “Expert Skalski”
Show me the way
Oh, so you are admitting you have no knowledge about matter? Pretty thank you.
So about those things that gets you ganked, Why did you even think they are needed? Because James said so?