HAHA for future reference ladies and gents this poster thinks the ideas of wholesale and retail, warehousing and shipping are “useless middlemen”. He has edited out this from the post I replied to.
Are you trying to refer to reality? Because I hope you realize this is the forums for EVE Online, a pixel spaceship video game.
No, the edit was a mistake; I had just accidentally initially replied in an outstanding edit. You’d have to be as dumb as you’ve been showing yourself to be to think I’d ever walk back some snark.
Those are very valuable roles in real life, but they are not so in Eve. You do understand this isn’t real life and we have video-game-rules here, right?
Warehousing has a function in real life because real estate has a cost and inventory space is limited. Literally everyone in Eve has infinite storage space. Every last individual. Warehousing is not a “value add” here.
Wholesale: prices that the public don’t see where large orders are filled with lower prices because of volumes. Normally provided as a service by contract to other businesses. In context of EVE its the likely arrangement for SRP programs where ships are replaced with new ships. The alliance manufacturing wing builds doctrine ships and charges the F1 monkey 20% for the privilege of not needing a JF run.
Retail: obvious, most people have had a job doing retail at some point in their lives
Warehousing: citadels serve this function now.
Shipping: redfrog, nullbloc JF services, blockaderunners… market hub shippers.
You’re trying to make these weird parallels to real life, but I don’t see how any of this actually helps your argument.
This is also wrong because SRP programs vary depending on the alliance.
Your trolling is weak but I respond one last time.
Citadel ownership provides for services that I can charge a levy for. I provide storage space in systems of interest and a place for pilots to sell things and repair their stuff in. The only real work I do is keep the citadel fueled. Am I a useless middleman?
I don’t know if you’re useless but you are holy ■■■■ off topic.
I had a weird mental note that you’re not usually an idiot but I guess I’ll revise that. Any chance you could get back into at least the general zipcode of relevancy, which is the cost of relisting and brokerage service?
You charge people to use your Citadel as a “warehouse”? And people actually pay you?
If you were able to dupe people to pay you to use your Citadel as a “warehouse”, then I’m impressed you were able to find morons that dumb.
I wouldn’t trust some random kid and his own personal citadel to warehouse anything. If I have goods of value worth warehousing, they’ll either be in Jita (an NPC station) or a structure that I personally control. Using your citadel would be adding a useless middleman AND a huge risk factor because I cannot control you.
I’d still say yes.
Our citadels we had out in curse for over 2 years were used as staging platforms for several pushes in to the area by other alliances. A little bird told me even TEST liked having them there because they were freeports which meant they could stop over if they needed to. We didn’t discriminate, people bought our overpriced t2 sovwands and our rigs. Made us happy.
Useless middleman indeed. I’m done with you now.
Did you charge them for that privilege?
So after upgrading back to omega to test the difference, the relist fees become nearly negligible for most orders I have except for the expensive stuff like marauders. But its pretty telling that I have to spend some 30 odd days training skills just to get back to the performance level I had as a base. Its quite annoying.
The thing is that they don’t want to learn how to operate in grey area. They just want to easily trade - after all if 0.01 isk into oblivion you don’t have to think about what prices you should be setting.
Here is another example:
The relist fee has nothing to do with 0.01 isking since the 4 digit rule already eliminates 0.01 isking.
0.0000001 or 1 tick is all the same. Only difference is that 1 tick is more significant on positions of higher value.
Yes and that means there is no longer a problem since the price moves just fine to its equilibrium and everyone has to use their brain to judge if the equilibrium price is worth it.
No. Tick has nothing to do with that - you have to use your brain because of relisting fee. W/o relisting fee there would be no practical effect.
Why pay for it when you already have infinite storage for free in an NPC Station?
Risk Free, even…
–Gadget reserves risk for other things
That’s a fine theory with all those NPC stations in your sov null.
Except the practical effect I just mentioned. How is relisting going to be a problem when every price difference is significant.
‘significant’ - not even 1/10000 (one ten thousandth) of price. You would need between 100-999 relists to make the price change by 1%. No, tick is insignificant - just cleans up prices and makes price tag scams much more difficult if not impossible.