The way CCP is punishing long term players over new players

Huh? You’re playing EvE lately?..and not as Alpha either, then…but…you’ve been all over the forums saying “don’t spend money on this game”, etc… Seems strange, friend…


That’s the longest sentence I ever read. As for the rest, well, OP knows full well that the game is on subscription basis with option to try for free… try period is over.
It’s not like CCP hides the fact that Omega status is paid subscription.
Also, when one makes statements like these:

I expect at least some kind of proof or good reasoning, not a rant based on feeling and pouting.

Anyway, OP, can I have your stuff?


I thought the narrative was “CCP has made the game a gankfest for vets to prey on news”

I guess CCP wants no players? Or is it possible either or neither is true?


Not sure if it is a sentence… it is a lot of words though. :slight_smile:


I don’t think you know what Business is, Spoiler alert…

*you paying CCP is Good Business.
*you demanding the whole game for free… Bad business.

Not exactly a strong threat coming from someone who is playing for free. I can’t exactly see CCP’s accounts department loosing much sleep over this.


No complaints from me. Thanks to the increase in capital hull prices I should be able to play the next ten year for free without doing any PvE. Should I need to have my two titan pilots active it is almost free thanks to skill extraction.

Long-term players were drawn to, and stayed around because of, the complexity and generally stable and long-standing mechanics.

By breaking that all down in favor of casual gamers not-likely to stay longer than a trial month is simply demolishing both old and new player reason to stay and play.

NOTHING can be relied on for more than 30 days. If you commit to a style of gameplay, it is, at this point, a guarantee you will be gutted and thrown to the side within the next 6 months or less.

It’s the idiotic World of Warcraft shellgame… They buff one class, the playerbase moves to that, then a few months later they nerf that class and buff another, moving the playerbase again… on and on and on and on, over and over and over and over.


please bully me


His entire life revolves around how much he hates the fact he loses dreads in wormholes. Every thread turns into " rage rolling isn’t fair". I didn’t even need to look at the poster, as soon as I saw the phrase " rage roll" I knew it was him.


Is that like a woke Rick Roll?

But without the sweet animations

Stability and Change
Some players do indeed like stability. Others, however, do like change. It can not only keep current players engaged, but bring other players back to the game.

Casualization of Eve?
I don’t think they’ve casualized things at all. Industry is more complex, the DBS encourages fighting and punishes low-attention ratting, mining waste will present new choices to miners and create conflict and emergent game play opportunities. And I could go on. Not sure how one interprets the changes as being in favor of casual players. And if that wasn’t already enough, I’m of the opinion that hardcore players tend to be better positioned to adapt to and take advantage of changes thanks to their increased SP, ISK, game knowledge, and time to theory craft, test, plan, and play.

Gutting Activities
Okay, the notion that activities will be gutted and cast aside within 30 to 180 days is absurd. CCP doesn’t move that fast, and most claims of things being ruined are ridiculously overblown. For example, when CCP nerfed marauder Ewar resistances, people complained that CCP pulled a bait and switch by buffing and then ruining them. In reality, CCP accidentally made them an S class ship, before bringing them down to an A class ship. And many people, including myself, are still using them to print isk. And, I could go on with other stuff, but hopefully you get the idea.

Late adopters complain while the innovators and early adopters pivot
Also, it sounds like you might be a late adopter. OP Ships and activities usually “get plenty of time in the sun” before being nerfed back into line. When that happens, a lot of the late adopters will complain because they didn’t have time to recoup their investment. However, CCP can’t stop developing the game because late adopters will “get screwed”. So, if you are going to invest in activities/ships that have a reputation for being OP, you should go in knowing the risks, and doing what you can to mitigate them, or you should not go in at all.

Balance and the Ever Evolving Meta
You say poe-tay-toe, I say poe-tah-toe. You say World of Warcraft shellgame, I say balance passes and an ever evolving meta.

For real though, I don’t think we can look at things more differently. I’m glad that CCP does balance passes and continually shakes up the meta. It keeps things fresh and exciting. I do understand that they can’t move too fast, however, otherwise it will make a lot of players feel like they are constantly having the rug pulled out from under them.

So, that begs the question -what should the rate of change be? Well, iirc, I once heard CCP Rise say that they know they balanced something right when half the players complain that they went too far, and the other half complained that they didn’t go far enough. I think that kind of outlook might apply here. Community sentiment seems to be relatively split between CCP taking forever to make changes, and constantly pulling the rug out from under them. So, I guess CCP has found that sweet spot.

Edit: And additional note
Different Player Values and Priorities
And, just in case it wasn’t clear, different players do have different values and priorities, and it is impossible for CCP to make everyone happy all the time. Personally, I think they have a difficult tightrope to walk, and I think it would be a mistake to assert that they’re screwing the pooch when they make changes that appeal to the values and priorities of other players -well, unless those players are risk-adverse carebears that actually want to gut entire play styles and casualize Eve. Because those values are diametrically opposed to mine.

Hm. I suppose you might feel just as adamant about your desire for stability, as I do for keeping eve a brutal PvP-centric sandbox. Hm. Food for thought, at an rate.


Mr Period, he be your friend
He let you know, when you reach the end

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Let’s eat, Grandma.
Let’s eat Grandma.

…punctuation saves lives.


Plot twist: Grandma is a serial killer. :scream:

No, no, she’s a cereal killer

Yes, that one was absolutely Bombers Bar. We certainly rage-roll NS statics for content regularly. Rage-rolling C5/6s is less common, but it happens if an FC feels like doing it. Mar5hy has a hole with a C6 static he rolls for content from time to time, looks like he found your friend and rage-pinged for bombers.

I saw a single comma. Let’s give the OP credit for trying!

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You need to stop reading your own press.

I agree. CCP is punishing us long term players. Can we sue?