Theoretical DPS to break tackle EHP?

I ran the damn numbers myself on Isotopes because everyone here is too ignorant to understand how to filter “variables” through a constant.

This is true of fits too, I have experience in markets, processes, and bottom-lines, I have less experience in hulls and fits. So it’s NORMAL to ask people to give me their experiences.

It’s just tedious dealing with average-IQs who can’t figure out basic ratios and how to compare something against a constant so they aren’t constantly answering “it depends”.

No…it doesn’t depend.

Find a flat baseline and work with that. Best-fit is a flat baseline…ignore scenarios for the time being.

Start with for instance a Frigate, then say its best tank will work out to X and its powergrid will support 3 points but not 4 points, etc. And it’s max range will probably be Y.

See? Starts to get easy.

Start with the tank, what’s the MOST tank you can fit on the most tanky Frigate, then say that’s the MOST dps you’ll have to do to break that tank.

Are you just incompetent?

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