Thera getting more wormholes to both k & w space

Wouldn’t it be nice if the mysterious system of Thera gets a greater number of roaming wormholes?

we can decide if yes or no , how much more , possible lore reason > [ the drifters attempt to take control of Thera wormholes using some structure(s), players destroy drifter structure triggering immense gravitational waves, ripples in space-time causing increased wormhole activity ]

comments welcome :slight_smile:

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Which in turn sparks another Dr. Who event to happen throughout New Eden… :wink:

If you don’t like the existing connections, you could always collapse (roll) wormholes and scan the new ones.

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don’t know much about that event, but lore progression involving thera+drifters+etc would be nice.

True, we can always roll connections, but am talking about greater number of simultaneous connections… like drifter wormholes … something like after fighting the triglavians in their domain and failing to invade zarzakh, the drifters decide that they need a tech upgrade & naval shipbuilding + clones to man those ships.

For tech upgrade, they develops new power-cores consuming isogen-5 in much higher rates , (thus allowing significant dps boost for their battleships including faster doomsday weapon recharge time) , so they build stellar harvesters in the drifter-wh & then decides to invade thera for isogen-5 & clone production tech.

Initially setting-up their wormhole generation structures 1-by-1 as cloaked-structures , capsuleers become aware of drifter operations once the stellar-harvestor becomes operational, an all-out war ensues to prevent thera from becoming a drifter-wh.

This involves capsuleers attempting to take control of the stellar harvester(by hacking mini-game) and stealing it to operate the new ‘azdaja’ class of doomsday(s),shield-extender. (its about time that these 200-800B ships get a significant dps&tank buff to justify their price, esp. the 800B ships )

Over time the capsuleers discover the cloaked drifter-wh generators and takes control of them ( by hacking minigame ofc xD ) to prevent them from entering thera, thus finally, after all this round-about drama, thera gets ‘some’ extra wandering wormholes( powered by liquid ozone ) allowing freighters/dreads to traverse, and titans especially 800B faction titans gets new op doomsday(s) (inc. AoE ones) and tank to justify their price tag.

Thanks & Regards