Thinking about coming back after some years away... whats the state of the game?

  • Plenty of solo content, and plenty of ability to play solo. Of course, playing solo is still playing Eve on hard mode.
  • They might require a background check, but most corps will gladly take a returning player.
  • I suppose that you could argue that the triglavian ships represent some power creep, but on the whole, it really isn’t an issue. Do note, however, that various balance passes have resulted in different ships/ship types falling in and out of favor. HAC’s, Triglavian ships, and Marauders are the current hotness. But who knows when another balance pass might come to shake things up.

Anyway, there have been a few major changes that tend to trip returning players up.

  • Don’t leave your stuff in player structures if you plan on going on break again, as asset safety will be disabled if the owner doesn’t keep the structure fueled.
  • The Surgical Strike update nerfed resists. Thus, old fits might no longer have enough tank.
  • Triglavian and diamond rats are new dangerous rats. Diamond rats can be avoided by checking the agency (it’s a tool designed to help players find content) to see if any Pirate Forward Operating Bases are in system. If so, then diamond rats can spawn. Trig rats can spawn in minor triglavian victory systems, as well as systems that can have trig wormholes. But, honestly the best way to deal with them is to get positive standing towards them. Apparently they will no longer spawn on gates, but they might still spawn in asteroid belts. All I can say is that I haven’t seen any on gates in a while.

Naturally, there have been a ton more changes than that. But, those should be all of the nastier surprises.

And, don’t listen to the bitter vet whining that’s going on right now. I’m not saying that no one has any right to complain, but they’ll put a negative spin on anything, and make it sound like actual problems are the end of the ■■■■■■■ world.

Anyway, welcome back.