Third Time's the Charm - Brisc Rubal for CSM 16

I have learned that Hy Wanto Destroyer respectfully withdrawn from this year CSM candidacy. I guess his votes goes to you Brisc.

With that Brsic Rubal has my vote for CSM 16 along with RonUSMC, Rixx Javix, Lucrative Business Opportunity, and finally Jim Halescott

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Hi Brisc, you are as always a friend and a favourite. You have my vote, and further I have added you to my List of Endorsements. Best of luck to you.


All my corp disbanded most of them were industrialists, miners, traders, builders and so on. I m just starting again and its really hard for me just to handle all those changes and more, i have been even sad after just assuming that will not see back that people due to a main reason handled by CCP, is like the destiny of New eden isnt anymore on the hands of the players, just by the owners of eve.But also inconform after the big dificulties for handle this mining thing as it is, the RISK-Value isnt counting, not valuable ores on null sec even low, isnt realistic at all to see this sort of things.

Also would love to see if is posible to improve and even adapt planetary comodities around all stuff in the game.

I speak spanish so surelly i misstranslated something in this post.

Top Bloke! :+1:

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You all have no idea how nice it is to cross “Lowsec Gate to Stain” off of Frank’s list - he’s crazy excited.


Who is Frank?


Do you think item #22 on your list is satisfied with the recent changes or will you be advocating for more?

Brisc last year your single issue that was most important to you was the red dot toggle, and you did it!

This year do you have a single biggest issue? An idea/suggestion that is actually feasible to get accomplished in a single term.

We shall see how these work out but I won’t cross it off the list until it’s actually in the game.

I would like to think we could get the lowsec/FW stuff worked on this year, but I think it’s more likely we can get scarcity addressed.


What about for next year?

I meant next term - 2021-2022.

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Do you have any small QOL change (that you don’t believe is already it the works) you would really like to get accomplished? I also think scarcity and FW will be addressed next year considering the direction the game is going. In fact I would be worried if scarcity wasn’t addressed next year. FW appears to be in the pipeline considering the gate changes and empire lore events that are currently occurring (Good job if you are at all responsible for these!)

I am one of the poors, how much for my vote? :slight_smile:

I really, really want to get the clones changes added to stations as well as citadels. It’s a big quality of life improvement.

1,337 isk.


First campaign commercial of the CSM season has dropped! This was fun, and I’m officially the biggest nerd of all time.


That seems a little low, how about you make T3C Great Again and we will call it even.

We brought the hot tub meta to CCPTV today for my CSM interview with CCP Swift and CCP Dopamine.

If you didn’t get a chance to watch it, you can check it out here.

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An amazing interview as always. Thanks Brisc! o7


Top moment of the CSM 16 cycle so far,