if you don’t get the reference, watch the interview videos above, seriously …
Sorry it’s so late, but I endorse Brisc Rubal for CSM 16!
(I’m the idiot from A Bad Show for Bad People).
The waiting is the worst part.
Hope you get another crack at it.
Live from the stream:
Gratz on your Round 19 Victory !
Thanks to everybody who voted, and especially to those who voted for me - this was the best election result I’ve ever had - getting voted on as the 4th candidate to win, with over 2100 votes on the first ballot.
I am very happy with this outcome, and it’s all thanks to all of you who trusted me and supported me through my last two terms. I’m looking forward to working with the rest of CSM 16 to help make the game better and to confront the daunting challenges that await us over the next year.
Thank you!
Thank you very much for getting rid of the red dot!
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