Well, you could ask me as well. I’ve written the code to pull the data fast and spent a significant amount of time doing so. Several times over, thanks to certain Wars in the database being ■■■■■■, messing with my results. GRRRR CCP!
The vast majority of players in highsec, let’s call them 99.99%, are neither mercenaries nor relevant nullseccers. You probably know the “I HAVE FRIENDS IN NULLSEC” guys who never deliver, because no one down there truly gives a ■■■■ about some random ass bottom feeding line member whining about ■■■■ happening in highsec.
You’re right that CCP saw the “big 5” as a reason to change wars, but it seems unreasonable to assume that they would design a game mechanic as far reaching as Wars around you, as mercenaries, specifically. It would be a gigantic waste of dev time, thus money, to do so.
You guys definitely are a minority relative to the 99.99%, no matter how you look at it, and because “you”, even as a collective of mercenaries, can not put a significant dent into the everlasting structure spam, it seems even more unreasonable to assume that these changes really are aimed at “the big ones”.
CCP mainstreamed Wars by simplifying the costs and giving them a clear objective. That objective is aimed at people who want to remove structures, with CCP’s (likely) stealthy goal of reducing the everlasting structure spam.
“Mercenaries” isn’t a “playstyle”. The only difference between mercenaries, small gangs and medium sized blobs is the fact that you take money for shooting someone, or something. That’s pretty meaningless in context of game design and mechanics. The changes to War are not comparable to changes to, for example, exploration or industry.
Changes to Wars always affect all of highsec, which means all of its members. Everyone. Including those who don’t want to participate. Therefore, based on this train of thoughts, it appears to be invalid to assume that the changes are specifically aimed at mercenaries.
Do you understand why I believe that people are looking at this the wrong way? I made the same mistake. It’s an easy mistake to make, really, because everyone’s apparently doing it. Yet it simply makes no sense after looking at the bigger picture.
I’m going to pull the Wars since the changes and report on it tomorrow.