I have been finally answered! Now I have to do some checks with them.
So you know guys, an account security ticket can take up to three weeks to get answered, seems like they are a little clogged this summer days and we have to be patient.
If you’ve been banned due to account compromise, then the accounts have been locked down due to the fact we’ve detected suspicious behavior.
We suspend accounts like this in case they’ve been legitimately hacked, in order to prevent the characters on them being lobotomized for ISK and having their assets stolen.
Tickets of this nature can take several weeks to be investigated fully and have the accounts returned.
Being flagged like this can happen for a number of reasons:
A change in IP that puts you on a blacklisted range that is known to have been used in account hacking.
A change in geographical location that’s triggered warnings on TQ for suspicious behavior.
Large amounts of activity with skill extraction.
There’s lots of things that can trigger this.
These kinds of tickets generally take a while to be resolved, all you can really do is sit tight and wait to receive a response.
Filing multiple tickets and creating threads on the forums won’t speed up the process.
Closing this, as it’s discussion of warnings/bans.