dps is not everything. Why you omitted that this hecate won’t apply past ~1km?
You are mentioning damage application.
Hecate can apply this dps to anything.
Chimera can apply this dps only to pve BS.
in PVP he wont even apply 100dps, because nobody sit still like rats.
As long as that ‘anything’ basically sits on top of this hecate… a tornado 50km away is dead hecate. Jackdaw will kill it. RLML Caracal will kill it. Likely even arty hull tanked thrasher will. Hecate does crazy dps but it comes at a price: no projection and no tank. It is a trade off - if hecates manage to land on top of you, well, you are doomed. But if they don’t then reverse applies. Btw how does kikimora compare against hecate?
Thrasher have no chance in solo Hecate, if you don’t understand it.
I have better things to attend than arguing with you.
You don’t have to agree with me.
But I have 10x times more kills than u on zkill so I think i have a larger experience.
Correct, CCP is efficiently removing portion of the game without compensating ppl that already invested int obtaining said content. It’s horrible decision on several levels.
Guys, just go with it.
Yes, let super PvE.
but give all NPCs HICs while Supers or Titans are present, lots of them.
I think the better path is to severely reduce the building costs of Titans (keep supercarriers the way they are now for anti-cap) so they are worth fielding as a support ship.
It should be the pride of a subcap fleet (supporting a cap fight) so have some racial Phenomena Generators go off with a few supers firing off their mass EWAR projector.
I think right now the Titan (it given a material reduction) and Super are in a perfect balance state.
Can use and CAN afford are 2 diff things. Caps are here to stay so go away. I want pve haw guns that cant damage players but can kill rats.
Do the same thing, that dreads do. Warp at range and kill rats with cap guns.
Easy clap
SO i was on break…and i log in…corp member just drops me a fit…Levithan.
Caldari Titan bonuses (per skill level):
50% bonus to kinetic XL Cruise, XL Torpedo and Torpedo damage
40% bonus to EM, explosive and thermal XL Cruise, XL Torpedo and Torpedo damage
15% bonus to XL Cruise Missile Launchers, XL Torpedo Launchers and Rapid Torpedo Launcher rate of fire
10+ bonus to ship warp core strength
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Torpedo Velocity
SO SOMEONE explain to me why the levi gets 4800 dps with kenetic damage and 4100 dps with other ammo and the other titans get 400 dps with the SAME guns. WTF. WHY. REMOVE that from levi or give the other titans sub cap damage.
How about no?
The Levi has his own special weapon system, with its own advantages and disatvantages. Deal with it
It has sub cap damage ability. its unbalanced.
You can just Smartbomb the Missiles, easy clap.
We can talk about it, as soons as HAW Levis become a problem in the game, but right now, nobody abuses it, so it seems to be balanced <3
I said…Make the HAW guns on titans only do damage to rats. PVE guns. When equiped to a titan and lock a player -100% damage. This way titans can pve like supers.
Introduce a new L6 mission type which includes capital and supercapital rats
Just use a super. It gave the better ticks anyways.
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