To all foreigners wanting to understand the Minmatar, happy Liberation Day

You are lying. Specifically, you lie when you assert, “I am suggesting that the Republic respects the shared frameworks that our leaders have developed.” In fact, you suggested no such thing. Rather, you explicitly said:

With that statement, you accused the Republic of undermining those international frameworks. Furthermore, you assert that ‘we’—from context and tone, clearly meaning ‘The Amarr Empire’—have ‘fought tirelessly to rebuild’ those frameworks.

But is that truly the case? Or does the Empire attempt to wield CONCORD and Yulai like a sword and shield?

Yes, Kahah III was an internal matter. That doesn’t mean other nations don’t get to express their disapproval. By using diplomatic and economic means to express that disapproval, the Republic did respect the shared framework of the Yulai Accords. This sort of response is how nations provide disincentives for behavior they find objectionable in other nations.

And let’s keep in mind that, in their execution, those sanctions are a prohibition against Republic corporations trading with the Amarr. They make no claim to enact legal consequences against subjects of the Empire, only citizens of the Republic. Which makes them a matter of internal law under your framework.

If the Empire’s internal matters aren’t appropriate fodder for international response, then the Republic’s internal matters—like restricting the travel and activities of its citizens—enjoy similar protection. Surely, the Empire, so adamant that internal matters be above international reaction, would respect that, right? To do otherwise would be hypocritical.

The Empire, after all, is not entitled to the Republic’s trade, and unless you can show me the specific language in the Accords that says they are, then the Republic is entirely within their rights to withhold it when they feel the Empire’s actions warrant such a response. You know, in accordance with the shared framework that our leaders have developed.

And yet, the Empire claims that not getting our goods and money from us is an act of aggression. And they pressed that case in the CONCORD Inner Circle. To attempt to use the Inner Circle in that manner demonstrates a profound disrespect for the institution. CONCORD is meant to resolve disputes, not allow itself to be used as a bludgeon against the insecurities of the cluster’s second largest economy.

And then there’s Floseswin.

In fact, your claim that Sarum’s campaign of ground invasion on Floseswin IV was conducted in accordance with the CEMWPA is completely spurious. If that were the case, CONCORD’s Inner Circle would not have been arguing about exactly that question for over a year.

Note the context there: The Floseswin IV situation is cited in the 2nd paragraph as the worst incident among ‘a number of loopholes and gaps’ that have ‘exposed shortcomings in the interstellar legal framework’. That means, no, it is not in accordance with the CEMWPA, it’s just not explicitly in violation of it. It is, in fact, a gray area, where treaties drafted to regulate the activities of capsuleers in space are suddenly found to not cover whether or not the baseliner forces of a major national military invading a planet and enslaving the population is legal, or an act of war well beyond the scope of the Militia War Powers Act.

Which means, again, it is the Amarr who are not respecting the shared frameworks that our leaders have developed. Both through the invasion of Floseswin IV, and in their insistence that Republic economic sanctions are an act of aggression against the Empire.

Fortunately, CONCORD has, so far, refused to kowtow to Amarr’s attempts to undermine the international framework and the institutions built upon it. But really, anyone attempting to twist Yulai to that extent can hardly be said to be ‘fighting tirelessly’ to rebuild and uphold that framework, or those institutions.

You know, I admit, this one almost made me mad. But then I remembered that I’m dealing with the Amarr. It’s alright. I can forgive you your incapacity to understand just how extreme an insult you’ve tried to lob at me. It’s not your fault, after all. I just hope that some day, you’ll have a chance to recover from the Empire’s conditioning and the rampant stupidity in inflicts upon you.