The following is a political declaration by the Vele’kor and Jar’ikosh Subtribes, signed and ratified by the quorum of clans of the Vele’kor and the Jar’ikosh, as well as by a number of other clans and organizations. Copied to the IGS at the request of the declaration’s creators.
Demand Justice and a Republic for All Matari!
One hundred and forty years ago, the Matari people threw off the shackles of an evil empire and declared that we would not be their slaves. We fought and struggled, and through great cost and great sacrifice, won freedom for ourselves. However, the damage of seven hundred years of subjugation still hangs heavy around the necks of the Matari like a millstone. Many of our people remain enslaved, many of our traditions have been lost or destroyed, many of our rituals have been forgotten. We are not the same people we were before we were shattered by the day of darkness. We have repaired, we have rebuilt, we have glued the pieces back together with the blood of slavers and freedom fighters to build something whole once more, something new.
But we are not as we once were. We will never get back to the people we were before we were torn from our homes. Those people, that race, it is dead. The Minmatar Empire is dead! Long live the Minmatar Empire!
We have made ourselves something new from the ashes, this is true. A republic. We have gained technology and allies, we have built ourselves a powerful fleet and struck blow after blow against the evil empire. We have liberated many at a great and terrible cost which we have borne without complaint so the seven tribes could be seven once more, so that we could after this long struggle, be whole, be free. So much was sacrificed, so many lives were lost, so much blood was spilled, but it was worth it to have a new home, to make a place that was safe from the slavery and oppression of the Amarr, to be able to shout Never Again! into the night with the strength and fury of a fleet of a thousand Ragnaroks and know that come what may We Are Free!
But we are not yet all whole, and we are not yet all free. For some, luck and circumstances of birth have made the Republic into a land of opportunity. For those wealthier clans, those better connected, those which were less shattered by the day of darkness, those which have retained more of the old traditions and rituals, the Republic is indeed the shining beacon of freedom it professes itself to be. However, for those who lost their past and their rituals, those who are less suited to being models and success stories, those who have had their traditions stripped from them and destroyed, those who still pray to the Amarrian God because it is the only faith they know, those who still speak the Amarrian tongue because it is the only language they learned, for them the Republic is not a place of freedom, and not a place of wholeness and healing.
Those clans who cannot be held up as paragons of the old Matari have been cast aside and flung to the outer reaches of the republic to scratch out hardscrabble existences on barely habitable worlds, given the cold shoulder by our cousins when we cry out for aid, left to starve and die amidst the battlefields of cloned soldiers because we don’t match the picture the Republic wishes to paint of its people.
In many cases we face outright persecution at the hands of our own kin for the unconscionable sin of having been abused and corrupted by the Amarrians, for being stained by the history of our enslavement. They would have rather had us die to the Amarrian laser rifle than live having been bent by their influences. We are an inconvenience, a reminder that things will never be as they once were. These desperate circumstances have driven many into lives of crime simply because no other avenues were open to us, this is then used to continue justifying our mistreatment, why would the Republic deem it worthwhile to help criminals after all? And thus the circle closes and we remain trapped in our desperation, free of the Amarrian lash but still enslaved to the economic and political reality of the Republic, no more free than we were under the Amarr.
To those who wish to erase us to make things as they were: things will never be as they were! The clock cannot be rewound! The day of darkness cannot be undone! The Minmatar Empire is dead and it is never coming back!
But that doesn’t mean we can’t build ourselves something new. It doesn’t mean that we cannot build a land of peace and prosperity and equality for all matari regardless of how traditional they are, how pure they are, regardless of their religion or clan affiliation, regardless of the strength of their political connections. A republic for all Matari is possible, but to have it those in power will have to come down from their Standing Places and commune with the rest of us, us warped and imperfect ones. They will have to embrace us as kin and lift us from the holes where they abandoned us to die. They will have to accept us as we are, not as they wish we are, and then, maybe, we can all begin to heal.
On May 27th at 1830 NEST, in communion with allies and clans from all seven tribes, the Vele’kor and Jar’ikosh Subtribes will be sponsoring a protest in Eram at the Sebiestor Tribe Headquarters. We will call for justice for the people of Molden Heath. We will call for an end to the persecution of those who still practice the Amarr faith. We will call for the Republic and the Tribal Council to send aid to clans in need all across the Republic. We will call for a radical redistribution of wealth from those clans who have grown fat on the wealth of the Republic while children still starve in the ghettos. We demand justice! We demand our voices be heard! We demand the republic be a home and not a prison! We demand a republic for all Matari! Join us!
Signed on May 18th YC122 by the Quorum of Clans of the Vele’kor Subtribe of the Sebiestor Tribe
Markesh Clan
Sgathiach Clan
Akakosh Clan
Ispiach Clan
Tronkhalid Clan
Kaldalia Clan
Mekhetrold Clan
Darvakree Clan
Setrimald Clan
Jardadine Clan
Kgalatorach Clan
Mekrakrin Clan
Sabadiach Clan
Mahoaisach Clan
Ghehetrald ClanSigned on May 19th YC122 by the Quorum of Clans of the Jar’ikosh Subtribe of the Sebiestor Tribe
Ispedrioch Clan
Jantine’ikosh Clan
Spedrakrat Clan
Mescatra’ikosh Clan
Subetra’ikosh Clan
Subari-Kliet Clan
Misuha’ikosh Clan
Spradar’ikosh Clan
Draugiliach Clan
Svartha’ikosh Clan
Ilosh-Subrioch Clan
Cadaliniach Clan
Sphecterilash Clan
Monodaash’ikosh Clan
Kerindrald ClanAlso signed on or following May 19th YC122 by the following clans and organizations
Drel’Vrak Clan of the Brutor Tribe
Krin’Klintor Clan of the Brutor Tribe
Yor’Toshok Clan of the Brutor Tribe
Myxto’Egrat Clan of the Brutor Tribe
Jumak Clan of the Kruscal Tribe
Jrindar Clan of the Kruscal Tribe
Kalak Clan of the Kruscal Tribe
Lekhantsí Clan of the Krusual Tribe
Sorindakior Clan of the Vherokior Tribe
Atstash Clan of the Vherokior Tribe
Hyejekalr Subcaravan of the Hrada-Oki Caravan of the Thukker Tribe
Makatat Subcaravan of the Fortune’s Tally Caravan of the Thukker Tribe
Sphene Clan of the Nefantar Tribe
Jardoshij Clan of the Nefantar Tribe
Besateoden Construction Workers Circle
Frarn Society for Starkmanir Wellness
Molden Heath Subcircle of the Kalamtokek Warrior’s Circle
Teonusude Welder’s Circle
Skarkon-Ennur Miner’s Circle
Alexylva Paradox Capsuleer Corporation
Almur Agricultural Circle
Konora Development Association
Half-Sakulda Miner’s Circle
Heild-Bosena Society for Peace
Molden Heath Development League
Bogelek Association
Eoldulf Prosperity Coalition
Elfrard Transportation Worker’s Circle
Bosena Commerce Group
Tartatven Development Association
Sebiestor Society for Economic Justice
Institute of Social Development Capsuleer Corporation
Join us in Eram on May 27th at 1830 NEST to demand justice and equality for all Matari.