This is not correct. You might see people saying this a lot, but it’s often just words. People who say they are going to quit sometimes don’t, and people who don’t like these types of mechanics just complain louder than others.
‘We have tried and tried to validate the myth that griefing has a pronounced affect on new players - we have failed. The strongest indicators for a new player staying with EVE are associated with social activity: joining corps, using market and contract systems, pvping, etc. Isolating players away from the actual sandbox seems very contrary to what we would like to accomplish.’ - CCP Rise
I do know that what ever these contracts enable, will restrict players freedom to be The Villain. But that’s not the main reason I’m against it. Thats more the reason you want it to happen, rather than my reason to not. It would also restrict players freedoms to negotiate on their own terms.
There are millions of ways for two players to trade. Isk, materials, services. It’s the latter thats going to be the problem.
Couriers are pretty straight forward, the courier has control and accountability for the package, and even that is starting to go wrong with citadels because they don’t have control of access.
Escorting through low-sec is not nearly as simple. Are the escorts supposed to be responsible and accountable for a player under someone elses control? Can the escorted wait on the last gate until the timer expires, collect any collateral there might be, and then jump into hi-sec?
Taking down a structure is the same. I think if you tried to flesh out these contracts you’d see how many holes there are going to be. And that the variety in which players can exchange services is vast. Access lists, 3rd party in a fight, RR contract, mining boosts, scouting, spying or sabotage and millions more.
THAT’S the problem i have with this idea. Whatever template for a contract you come up with, it won’t even scratch the surface of what players can do with a conversation.