To bot, or not to bot

Since a few days i am realizing how much botting is actl going on in eve.
I come to ask myself if i should start botting too. I mean investing time in farming, is a waste, when you see how easy you can bot.
I am camping around in one region actl. and i have found a lot of botting miners, botting vni`s, botting ravens. I even found a botting hauler, that brought missiles to its other botters - i was really surprised to see that this is possible to script.

After realizing all this, i ask myself, how much influence do these botters have to the whole eve universe:
The first thing that comes in mind is economy. The second question is: would it even be possible for the majority of 0.0 alliance to survive in 0.0 space, without hundreds of botters in the background?

It is obvious that isk inflation is one of the biggest problems in eve economy. The more money is generated, the higher the pricing for a modules and plex. So if a person is alone, farming for its own, its effect in generating isk, is less and the raising prices have a greater impact for him than a person who has bots that generate n-times as much isk. While the human has to go to toilette, go offline for reallife, or might need to sleep over night, the bot does its job - if anything works fine - from downtime, to downtime.
These bots need to be maintained, so they have a huge impact on plex pricing. The bot has no other needs than the required skills for mining or ratting and its plex. You can also use the skill-queue to generate skill injectors while ratting - so even more money for your wallet. So while the skill-injector pricing should fall, the plex pricing should raise and people, who before never thought about buying plex start to tend to buy one for real money so that even ccp might have it`s bonus from this effect.
On the other hand there is Fossisov and all the SRP stuff that 0.0 alliances need to manage somehow. A bot does both. First it raises the index while mining and ratting, and secondary it generates isk and minerals for ships and srp.

So back to topic: To bot, or not to bot?

Some additional infos on the raven bot in this system here that i am camping since days if you are interested:

In this system, where i am actl. camping, i see about 9 ravens, that go safe, when i go in, and that go ratting when i leave. I was able to place a scout in that system that is beeing ignored, so that i am now able to spectate that bot in action. It flys with all ravens at once in one anomaly. When completed, it warps to the next one of the same catergory and so on. As soon as someone joins the system it automatically warps to a pos. If you join and leave the system while that bot is in warp to an anomaly, it does mjd on land and warp to its pos. Also these ravens have at least two warp core stabilizers and autotargeting missiles fitted. If i place bubbles at its POS the bot realizes that and does not warp into any site. Then some human comes accross to check what is going on… . These ravens are all in one corporation since many years. I suppose they do even bot ever since they have been created. Regarding to their killboard, thats all they do since lifetime.
So long story short, the boting is defenitely taking place in this system. And if i can see it, ccp should too. As said, these bots exsist since years, and are still not banned so far - yes report was sent.

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Regarding botting, CCP could be breaking its own TOS by not enforcing this. Have you reported the bots? No action? Lawsuits in the USA are becoming increasingly convoluted when it comes to the concept of digital property.

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yes was sent.

Long story short, they know it’s happening and they aren’t going to do jack squat to stop it.


botting is good for economy

  1. Don’t bot.
  2. Report bots.
  3. Don’t expect CCP to immediately ban anyone. They need to check first. Otherwise “report bot” would be used too much by salty people to damage others.
  4. You can’t “win” the economic game anyway, don’t even try. Not because of Bots, but because of Empire-building in Nullsec.
  5. Find something else that is fun in the game and do it.
  6. If you can’t find anything, look for another game.

I’m sure you are aware EvE is not an American game and not subject to American laws…right?


Nothing more needs to be said. The EULA and ToS are pretty clear on what is allowed and what is not. Botting for sure is not.

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