To the Amarr:

I thought it was rather obvious that my statement above really only applies to independent capsuleer actors and not state actors.

Especially given that the Khanid almost certainly know both the actual casualty figures, as well as most of the known unknowns that make any capsuleer involvement an act of idiocy. Similarly, my concerns about Chakaid have been passed on to the proper authorities.

I cannot speak for Amarr as a whole, I can only speak for the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order and the Lok’ri holdings.

Yours is not the only dataless statement made in the last few days, and people acting on such assumptions resulted in tens of thousands of casualties in space just last week. So no, I don’t think you will cause Khanid to kill more people, but the assumption that what we are dealing with is a full on genocide on the part of Khanid that killed millions rather than a major blood raider terrorist attack that killed millions is one that is dangerous when we don’t actually know what is going on.

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If you would like to visit Starkman Prime with me, I will show you a shining example of Amarrian restraint.


Don’t be daft. Are you going to claim that the casualty rate dropped in the following days, given that the revolts became more widespread and the Khanid at no point repudiated those who stated they were “liquidating vermin” with indiscriminate bombardment of civilian population centers?

Let’s see. ‘several’ million in the first 48 hrs. That’s 5-7 million. 3-4 would be ‘a few million’, after all. So call it 5, to low-ball things. And then the revolts widen as people who weren’t in rebellion realize they have nothing to lose. And it keeps going for two more weeks.

2 days: 5 million.
Next 13 days: Less than 15 million? With Fweddit killing 2 million orbit, that means less than 13 million killed on the planets?

2.5 million/day in the first 48 hrs.
Next 2 weeks, < 1M/day as violence escalates?

Again, I have to ask: are you daft?


Ah, so you assume that this is another Arzad. And, for all I know, that might be the case and Chakaid might be speaking for Khanid with his blood thirsty rhetoric.

Or it might be that Omir and his heretics are playing us all for fools and laughing as his plants within Amarr engineer a truly massive sacrifice to his evil religion.

If this is another instance of a planetary wide genocide, what would you do to stop it?

If Chakaid is working on behalf of the Blood Raiders to slaughter millions in the name of a false god, what would you do to stop it? You’re a holder, an esteemed member of the Sacred Throne Order, and an Admiral of PIE. Does it truly sit well with your soul to sit back and do nothing besides passing your concerns about Chakaid on to the proper authorities?


He’ll do nothing, because until after it’s over, he won’t bother to question what the authorities are telling him. Worse, he’ll very loudly proclaim how very right he is to be led around by the bit in his mouth, content to wear his blinders as long as it means he gets to drop apples in the middle of the road and pull that pretty carriage for the pleasure of those who use him.


Not that I wish to defend the Mary Admiral as such, but if this was a genocide (and based on what sparse reports or lack there-of we have from the surface I personally believe that is the case), there is nothing indie capsuleers can do to stop it. Because in practice it is over.

Now, what will you do to revenge Kahah? To get justice? To prevent it from happening again elsewhere? Those are reasonable questions.


Arrendis: Why would anyone ever trust the news reports in the middle of a crisis to give them an accurate assessment of the situation on the ground? Especially when these reporters only seem to have asked Alar Chakaid, of all people, for a comment from the Khanid side. You have seen war reporting based on the Null conflicts, surely, do they ever get it right in the initial reports? The fact that they actively made ■■■■ up about what PIE and SFRIM were doing in Kahah in one of the articles also really does not lead me to trust what they say about the ground situation.

Seraphea: In either scenario, I would wait for there to actually be enough information that the potential sacrifice of those who are actually my responsibility is not wasted on a gesture. A known known in this situation is that I could not have done anything to affect the situation on the ground in Kahah, regardless of whether it would have been wise to attempt to do so.


Because there are only 3 options.

  1. Chakaid, commander of the forces on the ground, was giving an accurate bodycount.
  2. Chakaid, a professional diplomat with an awareness of what kind of potential trade and diplomatic issues a massacre could cause, was lowballing the numbers.
  3. Chakaid, a suspected Blood Raider, was inflating the numbers in a bid to gloat despite knowing it would lend credence to the very suspicions that he keeps denying.

Of the three, (3) is definitely the one I’d suspect were it coming from all but perhaps three members of my own alliance, except for Corps Diplomatique. However, Chakaid is a plenipotentiary, and so for him to be knowingly dealing in inaccurate information on hurts his credibility, and thus, his usefulness to his liege.


I think, just from my interactions with Chakaid, that 3 is a safe bet. Edit: Add in that if the goal is a higher body count, taking a rogue nation led terrorist attack and convincing the cluster it was a vassal of CONCORD signatory nation led genocide all but guaranteed escalation beyond what would have happened otherwise.

I also don’t have sufficient evidence to say that it is not a repeat of Arzad. And if it proves to be the case when the dust clears and we find out what actually happened, well that will lead to different questions about the Khanid, Amarr, and CONCORD responses than if it proves to have been primarily a Blood Raider led massacre.

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Sardar Marshal Soshan Fayez is the commander on the ground.

There is no evidence The Scope got their casualty estimate from him.

You guys really need to get the PIE line straight here.


The article in question:

Khanid plenipotentiary representative Sa-Baron Alar Chakaid, speaking from the surface of Kahah III, also issued a statement: "We thank the Lord for the deliverance of our Queen from the unspeakable evil of Minmatar terrorists and Ammatar blood cultist traitors. While we have forcibly removed several million slaves from their illegal occupation of Khanid Kingdom property, the process of removal continues elsewhere.


What is contradictory about those two statements? The article does not say that the casualty estimate comes from Chakaid, but Chakaid is the only Khanid asked for a comment.

Edit: Or perhaps in light of Vellastraan’s quote, I misremembered. I had thought the several million came from elsewhere. That may have been my mistake.

Actually I probably just need my morning coffee. I have a tendency to forget the details of Scope articles.

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There’s no other sourcing given for the Scope’s statement that

Many millions of casualities are being reported on Kahah III

As a relatively credible news agency, they can reasonably be expected to provide their sourcing. As they’ve indicated Chakaid has provided exactly the information you claim there’s no evidence for him giving, and no other sourcing…

Gee. I wonder.

Edit: Clearly, we can tell how important and significant the deaths of “many millions” of human beings are to the Amarr. Betcha if half a percent as many had died in Dam Torsad, you’d know it down to the last frickin’ stubbed toe and be able to quote it chapter, verse, and refrain from the Book of Amarr Victimization.


If Chakaid is the only source, then that lowers the credibility of the reporting even more. It would also explain the nonsense about PIE and SFRIM’s reasons for being there, as he has repeatedly tried to spin our actions into actively working for King Khanid.

Well, y’know, given the Newelles’ active request to work for King Khanid in this matter… maybe he’s just not sure in what capacity Aldrith filed the paperwork.


The reporting of PIE and SFRIM support for Khanid came before Lady Newelle’s request.


I can respect this answer. It is one of the reasons I was hesitant–and ultimately did not–participate in the attempt by the TLF and other Matari to land forces on the planet. I was not sure it would accomplish anything. I wish it had, but as my uncle says if wishes were horses, we’d all be eating steak.

It just boggles my mind that everyone in the Empire is unable to stop a catastrophe like Kahah from happening. I hold out hope to this day that someone, some captain on some ship refused the order to fire on Starkman Prime when it was given. But watching this unfold like some nightmare makes me wonder.

Are you asking me, or Admiral Lok’ri?

If you’re asking me, I am still unsure. I had never felt the urge to fight against the Empire that was my home before now. However, more and more I think that I need to join the TLF, or at least fight somehow. It is simply a matter of discerning what the most effective course is to pursue my goals. The TLF is a statement, that the Matari are unbowed and unbroken. It is a statement to those Matari in Amarr that their brothers and sisters still fight, still resist. However, I do not believe that it is a path to victory.

As you can see, even responding, I am still working out my path. However, what is happening still in Kahah makes it clear that no one can remain idle or neutral.