Yeah, eve attracts ex-military in part because the military prepares you for unfair fights by working with others and adapting. If you’re not into to figuring out how to kill the gate camper with help and different tactics then you may enjoy a mass market mmo that provides instant gratification
You just have to “pick your fights”. And as a new player the fights that you can win don’t come very often. Mostly because the higher sp character always has faster and more damage dealing ships and fits. Just use local chat to scan for people with only a few months of game time. Those are the people you should be engaging. I think I have won maybe about 1% of the fights against higher SP-characters since my ships AB just doesn’t give me enough speed as a brawler or MWD doesn’t keep me away from the enemy ship fast enough. The “pick your fights” becomes easier when you start to use more expensive ships and gain more capsuleer skills to up your dps and speed. Just like in any other MMO, the players who have more “levels” than you, usually beat you. But you can always gang up to kill them. That’s the only way a new player can really enjoy EVE pvp. Small gang pvp.
I think OP really just wanted to vent about being bad at EvE. I can only imagine he has moved on to Hello Kitty Online and won’t be getting any more tears on us.
In reality younger players kill older players literally all the time.
It’s just a matter of training, my fisrt fights were just fear and puzzlement. Until I thought about countermeasures my Vexor was already blown up.
And now? Well, recently I was surprised while WH ratting in a Stabber with a low skilled Alt (2m SP), and at least I was able to kill the first point in an Anathema, before being killed and podded, so at least I won this fight regarding ISK.
PS: Killing Sleepers in a low SP Cruiser is challenging…
It’s too bad there’s no place for “light combat” for new players to learn the ropes. Throwing them into low-sec for PvP is like throwing them into shark infested waters with a t-bone tied around their neck.
High-sec “duals” or kill rights aren’t much better being a bait and switch or scam.
Too many people these days want a protected safe space in which to pretend to fight. It’s a sandbox, so there is room for anything anyone wants to sort out for themselves. I used to arrange friendly matches with friends to test new fits, there is ZERO reason any new player can’t do the same. There are several chat channels dedicated to solo duels, any new player or otherwise can generally find a fight fairly easily with someone pretty close to their skill level.
I think most people are so afraid of being tricked once or twice, they never actually put themselves in a position to get a decent fight. People need to lighten up. EvE deserves it’s reputation, but that doesn’t mean everyone has 6 neutral logi stashed in station. Fights are to be had if you look for them, unless you want only guaranteed wins in which case you have become what you claim to hate
Less fear = more fights. If you like fights, hang out with others who like fights and you will end up with plenty of people to fight, friendly or otherwise.
Man, that is sooooo true.
Once upon a time, EVE had “can flipping” which was a limited form of engagement where you knew that the people you would be fighting were limited to the target and his corp mates. It was a great way for new players to break into pvp. CCP changed all that when they killed can flpping. Now we have suspect baiting which is sort of the same thing but you are vulnerable to everyone in the system, which of course is less favorable to new players.
The great shame of eve is that they lure you in with this promise of exciting hardcore pvp, and as a new player all you get is some of the worst pve ever designed. Then when you want pvp, the advice you get is go to lowsec and be a punching bag. CCP really needs to work on getting new players into pvp combat; they need things like old style can flipping and red v. blue (is that still a thing? heard it died), but instead they work real hard to cocoon their new players from any risk at all. Its no wonder people leave.
Why, if new players do not want PVP why foce it ???
Hold on , but there is no NEW players in Eve
Those channels, pls.
Join a nullsec corp/alliance then the games becomes interesting, you get a lot help and at times sprayed with isk to. At times i make 600 mill an hour and I’m only playing for like a year in nullsec. Before that just a few months here and there. And you got people making a tenfold of that amount per hour easily aswell.
Actually a friend that started playing eve last december (2017) now has 4 accounts and he all pays them by earning isk ingame and he doesnt even try hard.
Again join a nullsec allianxce and learn the real game
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