Too help satiate the bloodlust

Exactly, my point, it doesn’t matter because it’s not about PvP it’s about grief, salt mining, about vitriolic behavior, there are so many avenues for PvP and the main thing that comes up as something is the problem of people who call it PvP but stay in high sec instead of seeking it elsewhere where it’s completely free, it’s not PvP that many want it’s free grief, griefageddion, etc.

There are more ways to define PvP in an open-world game than just players who are looking for PvP fighting other players who are looking PvP in specially-designated areas for PvP. Some players want to be pirates, or privateers, or mercenaries, or anarchists, and not merely generic groups of soldiers fighting other soldiers because that’s what PvPers are obligated to do, for some reason.

Likewise, genuine grief doesn’t only exist in the PvPsphere. I can grief you by taking your mission item and holding it hostage or selling it or hoarding it for myself. I can grief you by waiting for you to rip off a moon chunk and then destroying it with residue crystals. I can grief you just by spreading rumors about you and hurting your reputation, preventing you from getting recruits for your corporation. And on, and on, and on, all methods that allow me to hurt you without your consent and by never firing a shot.

So how come you would tell people to go outside of high-sec for PvP, but you don’t tell them the same thing regarding all of these other methods I’ve mentioned? It seems like a double standard to me.

We could milk this till the earth ends it wouldn’t be solved, humans will always chimp out, to the other side all high sec dwellers are bots and farmers, but them same can be said for the other side, eve will always be stuck in a forever state of static, the Q continuum.

There is no need for a PvE or PvP server, there is no need for scarcity, or this or that, to deprive the other, there just needs to be an area for those that want to enjoy the eve verse and those who want to grape everything in sight, I purposed adding NPC that would be nearly indistinguishable from players so that grief player could get their salt, people said no, I posted give us a fourth character that would be an NPC controlled by a player, funded by a player, and sent out into the verse to get rewards, nope.

At this point we are back to square one, no solution except the Q continuum static universe.

First of all, this negates the entire point of multiplayer gaming. Second, it’s impossible from a technological standpoint, as this would require true Ai that doesn’t exist yet, if it ever will.

Your solution to tell people to chew on a piece of leather while pretending that it’s steak, especially after they’ve paid for steak, isn’t tenable.

The same can be said for people who pay to enjoy PvE yet are continuing to serve as a punching bag for those people who think things shouldn’t change and never considered that if you’re customer is demanding something it’s probably worth listening to.

No, not really. Those people went to the wrong restaurant. They wanted steak but went to a vegetarian place that only serves pasta and salad dishes, and started demanding meat. Should the restaurant cook some meat for them, just because they are customers who are demanding it?

The choice is simple; remove conflict and freedom or close the server through lack of interest.

Anything else is missing the point.

All we can do is agree to disagree, people who pay the same should enjoy the same, pretty simple concept.

Eve has always hosted PvE and PvP, just because some hogs push everyone away from the trough doesn’t make them the only people that matter, I wish CCP had the wherewithal to remove all PvE and all security status and make eve battlefield 2.0 and see how it works out.

Lucky for those who don’t share in the vision of battlefield 2.0 Pearl has the rungs on CCP and probably won’t share that vision if things keep going the way they have been, this is a business after all and Pearl has a choice to give costumers what they paid for or not and then only time will sort everything out.

We wont have long to wait till the PvP is removed and you can enjoy the second rebirth of the game with all those mainstream normies who will flock to it in their millions.

Safe in the knowledge us undesirables cannot influence or interfere with their game, the only game in town.

It’s not the person per se but the actions that make them not want to be interacted with, I follow people who play and post eve games such as Bjorn bee, Aceface, etc, they gank, they PvP, I have nothing against them but just understand actions towards others has consequences, we can play word salad all night bottom line is only time will tell, if eve does fall into a heap someone will host it somewhere and then they can make whatever choice they want.

If what they enjoy in the game is not wanted, then they are undesired customers.

Im not sure how thats word salad as it seems pretty clear.


Anyone else can see you don’t actually like them. You want them to quit Eve online when you say:

When you propose something radical like “I want to do what I want and not get blown up by other players” on the one hand and then hypocritically go “but actually these streamers that are PvPers and gankers are The Good Ones and I like them so really I’m not radical and it’s a normal idea” you’re wanting your cake and eating it too. The reason these streamers enjoy Eve is for the very reasons you want to destroy: the universe is dangerous and they’re interacting with it holistically.

Or do I have to become a streamer that You And You Alone like in order to get my “allowed to PvP” badge?

Edit: in case idiots need to put 2 and 2 together for them: the ganking streamers and youtubers would quit because their ganking content (zazz’s admission not mine) would evaporate.


why has this become a the new gank mega thread

Sure, except you happen to be the hog that’s pushing the rest away from the trough.

EVE was designed a certain way, and it was fine. Then you came along and started demanding changes under the justification of “if the game does not get these changes, it will die!” And then you posted online various undeserved negative reviews and attacks against the game until you were able to extort those changes out of the developers, essentially by hurting and damaging the game until you got what you wanted, all the while claiming that the damage actually came from the “griefers.”

Carebears are like those diseases that trick the body’s immune system into attacking itself.

If dust 514 was properly implemented on a real machine, we could be doing that with real people.

But no. Ccp chose the spesh masheen.

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