Too many warp core stabilizers

how hard would it be to throw a core in, do your thing, then remove the core? (last i checked they could be removed)

Not an option for (a line member of ) a 20 k alliance that owns the Athanors, Raitarus, Astrahus, Sotiyos, Abvels etc. each put in place by a myriad of different sub holding corporation to let different member corporations manage them - there are probably in a great excess of more than several hundred up to a thousand or more of the structures in any given larger alliance / large null corp.
It’s impossible for the alliance to start coring all of them to get all their members assets out - coring individual structures for each players needs obviously isnt an option either.

And again: coring a structure would just paint a big loot pinata sign on it and make it a strategic target the alliance would have to spend time and work and efforts defending every single time it was reffed into armor. And there are at least a dozen other reasons - but I already stated all this in the previous comments.

CCP didn’t think this was an acceptable situation either - so todays patch auto-removed all excess warp core stabs from all ships in un-cored player built stations no matter who owned it or who was in it.
CCP, You have seriously regained a new level of respect !
MUCH appreciated! Thank YOU! <3 o7

This is incorrect.
player structures are not “player version of station”.

station => installed by CCP (on DT : static)
structure => installed by player or NPC (dynamic).
Note that outpost and starbases are something also different.

makes no sense. Just say structure, or the group(engineering complex/citadel/refinery) or the type (athanor /…)
Anything else is just adding amibuiquity.

He’s right though ; if you are in a corp, unless you are in a one-man corp then you can’t controll all the structures.
What you are advocating for, is structures that nobody uses, which is the opposite of the goal of “fighting structures spam”.

That’s completely idiotic, toxic and unrelated.
The issue is that, before that patch, there was no issue using the structure. Putting the blame on the victim a specific case of you being an asshole.



Thanks for pushing the issue with those support tickets (and the same to everyone else who did!) to show CCP just how problematic this was. If nobody speaks up, nothing changes.

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I cant fit more than 1 Warp core Stabilizer in any station, even in Jita. I now have an Alpha account after a few months off from my Omega account. Does anyone know if this is normal or what is the solution to fit 4 Warp core Stabilizer. Without this the game feels useless after thousands of hours of straggling to get to know this intersting game. Thank for anyone in advance for helping me out.

Warp Core Stabilizers
Warp Core Stabilizers have now been converted to an active module, where they must be activated to increase the strength of your ship’s warp core. Moving forward, you can only fit one warp core stabliizer to your ship at any time. Those ships that are currently fit with more than one of these modules will need to unfit them from their ship.

In addition to this change, when the module is online the ship’s drone bandwidth will be reduced by 50%

Both Warp Core Stabilizers and Interdiction Nullifiers may be activated while under the effect of a stargate cloak.

You are great. Thank so much.
I used 4 Warp Core Stabilizers to pass through camp gates. Is there another solution for Alpha account player to pass gates without being always destroyed?

Scout ahead and take a different route or go at a different time if the gate is camped.
Or bring friends to break open the gatecamp.
Or take a ship that can run through the gatecamp without getting locked. Sub 2 second align ships are good for that if you’re not in null.

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You are perfectly clear and very helpful. Thanks, since this has bacome a big headacke.

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