Trade Hubs as War free zones

Having one system war free wont hurt PVP ACTIVITY. It will only hurt those who like to do Pirating only Pirates will dislike this because they just like it too much due to many reasons that I can mention.
Pirating is killing EVE more than anything else.

I think it would be more interesting to go the complete opposite direction - all trade hubs made 0.0

Of course it will. Currently PvP activity takes place in market systems and you want to remove that PvP. Stop lying.

It will only hurt those who like to do Pirating

Piracy is PvP. Deal with it.

Pirating is killing EVE more than anything else.

No, stagnation and the broken state of structure grinding are killing EVE. EVE grew and thrived with even more piracy and highsec PvP than it currently has. And the biggest threat is whiny and entitled carebears like you demanding more and more nerfs to everything that makes EVE special because you’re too lazy and/or stupid to figure out how to succeed. The fastest way for CCP to kill the game would be pandering to people like you in a desperate grab for short-term subscription money.

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Do you have proof of this? Like, actual numbers or player response surveys?

Or is this just based of your fragile feelings?

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“I was an idiot and got suicide ganked and now I’m going to ragequit, therefore everyone else is as pathetic as I am.”

Funny how when every time one of his weak arguments is shot down with logical reasoning he moves goal post to another weak argument which when shut down with logical reasoning he continues the same cycle. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Even though that’s where most pvp happens?

And we want to nerf pirating because?

How so?


Aint that like the whole point of highsec wars?

This is one of the worst sentences I’ve read on this terrible forum. You should feel proud

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