Tranquility DDoS - 2020/05/03-08

This is rmt game. And here is kinda complex economic model. And I really think that some ppl who have had not so many D/Cs made some money on this situation. Sort of epidemy. When lot of people lose their jobs/stay at home etc some well-organised groups make money.

a true question…
maybe most of the costumers of iot-stuff worldwide are to blame.
If we all would buy only really secure iot-stuff than there wouldn’t be such amount of bot-nets able to do such heavy attacks… but most people watch for the price not the security…

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Another spike in disconnections and laag. It takes 5 min to log in - waiting 4 - 5 min on docking / undocking. Stiletto and Cynabal just jumped my 3 miners on belt… one was half way through dropped connection phase, other two survived.

If I can make suggestion. CCP - take it offline, fix it, and put the servers back up. At the current stage it generates more agrro than its worth - wasting time trying to do stuff while its not playable in this state


load balancing wouldn’t help either.

Let me tell you a story. Hope you like stories.

It’s about a method of denial of service called the “Ping of Death”. It’s long since been patched (it was a bug in NT’s TCP stack). Way back when web servers were either datacentres or basement throw-togethers, the basement jobs ran on NT and were easy to take down with a single oversized packet that the server simply didn’t know how to handle, so it just went “NOPE!” and shut the TCP stack down. Now, NT simply ignores packets that are the wrong size. The Ping of Death is no more.

These days, distributed denial of service attacks run just like DDOS methods did back then when people wanted something a bit more sophisticated and long term than a flashbang server takedown. All they need is an IRC client running on a number of computers (the host operators more often than not weren’t even AWARE that an IRC client was running on their system) listening for a command string that was basically “Ping* this IP with a neverending stream of pings and ignore returns”. When you have a MILLION of those going at a server SIMULTANEOUSLY you ARE NOT mitigating it. ALL you can do is ride it out and drink coffee.

*A “Ping” command is a normal network command used to test routing, among other things.

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Best of luck figuring it out CCP.
I dont envy your position.

Democrats in America want you to be able to sue the gun manufacture too.


Wow, this game is very slow today. Only my Omega characters able to log in. Alpha’s, no way! terrible disruption to a normally brilliant online game experience. Some are suggesting a DDoS attack, is that true?

Yo CCP, maybe install :rofl:


Eve’s price hasn’t changed in 17 years.

For some players? this is a bad joke. Most ppl i talk to cant do ■■■■! CCP needs to fix this ■■■■ after all we are paying for this and all we get are some shitty sp reward. give me my money back

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They have literally built technological wonder that very few programmers would be able to… given the scale of server and how whole system work I can imagine DDOS can be incredible hard to defend against in this particular case. Again, noone build same system they did and it should be obvious why it is more exposed to attacks by its very nature.

My only issue is with their follow up compensation, last time it was pathetic. It’s time to start compensating game time, if you want to compensate skill points… okay, but do it in adequate amount, no what we seen before. Don’t worry, it is not going to ruin your game, where some ppl buy stacks of 200 large skill injectors in one after noon. If some ppl will be able to do something faster in game nothing will go bad. But again, this should be second option, first should be compensating exact amount of gametime.


So haven’t the prices for WoW, Ultima Online or FF XIV who all not got that amount of connectivity issues while having a way bigger playerbase while also being still 2€ cheaper then EVE. So not sure what you wanna tell me with the circumstance that EVE is the most expensive MMO since 17 years already in combination with the offered service quality?

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yea notification would be nice no matter what they are trying to do thinking game wont be effected. At the same time. they might be updating graphics to take advantage of the systems since 2002. Im all for that. If they need to take the game down and make it VR… OMG that would be worth it.

Maybe they will give us all 1 billion isk and another bill skill points.

-l -1
good old times sigh

In general i don’t mind paying for the game. Even while i dont have to mutch active playtime at all. The moments i can be on feel rewarding, fun and relaxing. More and more i run into issue that whenever i am able to play (maybe even for a small burst) there are problems with the stability of the game or connectivity issues. This makes me debate if i should just unsuscribe the normal suscriptions and just plex with all the isk i have anyway when ever i have some time to play. I am not really intrested in compensations like SP/Isk whatever. Just want to be able to play when i want to. This feels more and more a problem in the last year. Can’t remember having this mutch issues since 2005.

I have a WFWG client running on Virtualbox, it’s fun sometimes just to boot it up to see how fast I can ping a virtual machine to death. My record is 0ms, with a ping of death.


in the year 2020 with Cloud Data and Fiber Networks it is possible to prefent DDoS attacks procativly. But you need to pay and be willing to invest. Akamai bought a security solution Provider named Prolexic.

And here you can see the possible Solutions to Prevent you from DDoS attacks.

As said in 2020 you as a Company driving Business in the Internet should have strong Partners and invest in the future of your assets.
my 5 cent


I am sorry but what you said is presentation of stupidity. None of that games run single server with 30 thousand concurrent players (in fact, not even 10). Not BY FAR. That should give you idea how much harder is that system to defend against large scale attacks and how unique it is. Increased price is to some degree necessity that I however don’t agree with and is result of too hard focus on relatively small number of players through some bad design and monetization decisions.


DDoS is unfortunately beyond the control of any server operators even with decent measures in place to prevent the attacks. About all you can do is blacklist the IP’s that the packets originate from but they just change their IP to something else and the DDoS resumes.

I sympathize with CCP and players alike. We are all affected by an unnecessary and idiotic decision to disrupt service and gameplay. Hopefully it will be resolved soon and the culprits caught (in-game or otherwise) and punished.