Tranquility DDoS - 2020/05/03-08

Corp chat is not accounting all players either… out of 3 account only one visible in corp chat… and typing anything in there does not do anything. ‘Undelivered’!

Here we go again…just DC’d for the first time today. At least I was in the station this time.

So, how long is it taking to get a reimbursement processed these days?

hey CCP-Guys,

thank you very much for your hard working!

What’s the reason? A Virus? A technical problem?

best regards,
I.A. Tichy

I just don’t understand why these things aren’t being fixed.

too, it startet, but can’t see my ship. after docking and leaving the station I could see it againt. but now - nothing happens, the Launcher don’t start.

The Launcher doesn’t start.

cant log in, says servers are down (port 26000)… thou i see on launcher that there are 21k people logged in

Same here :frowning: everything seems OK, online and up but conn. failed again and again…

I still have problem loggin into the game( I can go in but after 20-30 seconds game drops me out. :frowning: Hope Admin team will be able to fix this issue soon.

I could not log in from UK over last two days…until I set my VPN to report as if from Iceland…no issues now.

Our teams continue to monitor the situations across all fronts, paying particular attention to reports about issues with accessing or staying connected to EVE. When reporting in on your problems, please do let us know where you are trying to connect from to help with the investigation. Thank you!


Can’t you just create more Skins to solve the Problem ?


Can not login from the UK

East Ukraine. The same problem…

Lithuania cant login

No Login from Gernmany.

No problem with all 4 Omega accounts logging in from USA - West Coast. Chat channels all working too. I didn’t spend a lot of time on 3 of the accounts, just updated the skill training queue.

However when I logged in with this account half of my chat channels were missing. Just had to rejoin the channels again which was an easy fix.

Other than that, no issues as far as I can tell. Course I haven’t undocked yet either…

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New disconnection from France when i was jumping to another system. All my accounts has been disconnected

3 accounts just disconnected after being on for 10 mins. Located in England.

Trying to log back on but the “sever could not initiate handshake”