Tranquility DDoS - 2020/05/03-08

new DC in south eastern USA, Florida. was on for about an hour no issues with chat.

OK, managed to log on 7 accounts this morning. Within 5 mins I have had half of them disconnect and the others become unresponsive. The first sign of this was when a carrier tried to jump a wormhole and got traffic controlled.

No EVE again today for me.

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Frequently disconnection from HK, it often appears in jumping the gate. Also, sometimes fail to login again

Frequently disconnect and/or low fps, both on station and in space.

Many times jerky moving in space , wouldnā€™t dare Abyssal atm :wink:

Denmark - Copenhagen Areal

Text of a faction mission would not come up. wallet would not populate. Several disconnected at same time.


Just a hour ago I had time for Abyss for 30 mins. I did T2 Abyss for event in a cheap fit. I lost my ship in the first pocket due to DC. I already lost two ships in Abyss due to this mess. Maybe I should take a break for a week form EVE and do something else instead? :thinking: These problems make players give up half of the possible activity in the game.

What I have seen is the client get partway through updating and then stop. Killing it and starting it back up gets it going again most of the time.
On the other hand Windows loves to get restarted as often as it can, I think its supposed to be a feature after all these years of needing to do it.
Anyhow, glad it worked!

They did, its all black and looks like an error message

Why does CCP still promote an event encouraging us to put ships + pods at high risk in the abyss, when at the same time their servers are highly instable?

For 2 days i could not log in at all. On day 3 i managed to log in but disconnected in the abyss due to the current situation, filed a ticket (again), but iā€™m not sure if i get a satisfactory reimbursement. Today on day 4 iā€™am not sure what to do with my omega accounts.
It has not been long ago when the last DDoS disrupted the game, when CCP threw skillpoints at us as a kind of ā€œreimbursementā€, which in my view is not ok. We, their paying customers have payed for playing a game and not for getting skillpointsā€¦

Rumor has it that the login servers and the chat servers are actually servers that have been rented from Amazon Corp. by CCP? Can anybody confirm or deny this?


Well I can tell you
Taking a break can be good
I did last night because of a bad connection
Itā€™s funny what you notice
When you take a break
I mean
Turns out Iā€™m married and have children
They seem alright
Still miss smooth gameplay
Maybe spend another night with these people
And log back on tomorrow to reality
Eve that is
Canā€™t spend too much time out of the Pod
Itā€™s strange out here


The Phoenix bundle is in the store, I bet the people who get disconnected didnā€™t buy it.

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Local is still dead.


Will you cover any losses by players directly caused by disconnects?

edit: or will you give game time covering the period of time the random spray of disconnects is occurring.

I do not wish to risk expensive stuff, due to random server crashes.

Launcher doesnā€™t start. (Jena, Germany)

Ask their names and ages and put them on a post it note beside your monitor
that way you will remember to buy them an orca for their 5th birthday


CCP Reimbursement service cover all lose if they are from Server error ā€œbut not if those where from pvpā€ if i remeber well

Local chat is showing people from the previous system, I need to relog oftenā€¦

Canā€™t even boot up the client 99% of the time. Just shutsdown before even appearing. Logs says it shutdown but didnā€™t crash. It looks like if I click at the right time with a bit of luck I can get the client to launch for an account. This is from the Netherlands btw. Once in game everything seems fine though. No rubberbanding and chat works (it has been a bit all over for months now though). So no clue wtf is going on. Lets hope the restart will fix it. luckily managed to just about launch all my accounts this morning to claim the SP reward process, as I also couldnā€™t start any clients yesterday.

Iā€™m pretty sure the events are mostly or entirely automated. There are warnings on the launcher about the stability issues. If you choose to continue to do risky things while this issue is still on-going then thatā€™s on you, e.g. Iā€™m not undocking my titan right now because that would be a silly risk to take.

CCP does utilize AWS for some things, which is an industry standard thing to do. A DDoS wouldnā€™t be easier to mitigate if they were running all of these services in-house. In fact, it would likely be much more difficult to mitigate effectively.


West Coast, USA,

No Log-in issues, no disconnects and all chat channels working. Out in space warping and jumping through gates was fine too.

The only issue I had was some systems still have blinding glare from the sunā€¦ :wink: