Tranquility DDoS - 2020/05/03-08

CCP, what’s with the ‘reverted to Alpha’ issue ? Did you get hacked as well as DDOS’d ?

:red_circle: every technical issue is presented as DDoS … :red_circle:


RMT script is the cause of DDOS

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Eve have covid atm :’( Pray for EVE

DDoS cannot be identified, that’s why it is DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service. Flood coming from random IPs from multiple carriers, mostly probably from hacked IoT devices. CCP needs to setup anti-DDoS system which is typically from Arbor Networks, it does a very good job mitigating these attacks by analyzing packets in real time and then when it sees a pattern it will block the source IPs sending that traffic. It takes a few months since the installation so the system can auto learn the traffic , in this time not filtering anything, just monitoring and learning. Not sure if CCP guys requested this system from their carrier (which i guess is Telia ?)

On the other hand, as an IT specialist, i don’t see how a DDoS will screw with Alpha/Omega status, this has to do with code itself, DDoS is just a networking attack, provoking big lag and connection problems


What a DDoS has to do that your omega turning into Alpha ?

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The server is lagging and confused

If only it can turn my alphas into omega and while were wishing my tormentor into a Revelation :wink:


This time everything is completely broken. I can’t logging in either.

Nice to see the raison why I can’t log in, it is said 21K can .
Definitly not the time to try any abyss stuff.

Same here, along with red dots, stupid free trash and lots of other stuff … well I’m starting to think it might be better to do something else.

Edit: That was stupid. I can’t log in on any Char that resides currently in JIta, regardless of Omega or Alpha status. Charcters in different regions seems to work.


Seems to be working now. I can log in again.

Not really, maybe after DT.
Lets Hope

Have the same issue.
Any fix available?

I get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT response from log in. None of my accounts can even reach the character selection.

That just started occurring and we’re looking into it. However you can click on Ignore and proceed to log in. We think it may have to do with elements of the launcher which aren’t related to the functioning of the game.

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ok, Thx for the Answer @CCP_Convict

so just ignore and no more issues, ya just never know if something happens if you ignore stuff on the EVE Luncher and try to start.

Atleast One non serious Issue solved

:red_circle: Hey, thank you CCP for giving my characters local but not many other people. I really appreciate the edge over other people. :slight_smile: