Transports with teeth

paid actor :stuck_out_tongue:

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So you pay 200 mil for ore bulkheads but you donā€™t actually fit a damage control and insteadā€¦ itā€™s an 800mm plateā€¦ the flex hardener is just a minor issue compared to that.

This is why EVE is so great.

could be way worse!

There are two down now , just seen safety blog and Reddit. Iā€™ll be interested to see a well fitted one get hit.

Self-admitted Aiko fan detected. So this is why you anti-gank, you are too shy to ask to be part of the group so instead you pick on them and call them names. You are that child in school who pulls the hair of the girl theyā€™re in love with instead of calling her out on a date because of being too shy and afraid of rejection. :thinking: :smiling_imp:

:smirk: :innocent: :popcorn:

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No No sheā€™s asked me many times to join her .

I am pleased that Aiko Jason and Bob got the 1st kill . Some one was going to do it and did anyone think really itā€™s ungankable.

So no secret crush on Aiko and according to Ceema

ā€œItā€™s actually Mittens wife. Sheā€™s even more ruthless than he is.ā€ So sheā€™s taken

Iā€™m pleased Ceema is back , just been reading about his AO rowing team

@Altara_Zemara are you a member hehe

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Hopefully the torrent will provide enough missiles to fight those nasty gankers!

Not sure how that would help as the haulers get a bonus to FoF missiles which donā€™t use a lock, and even then, by the time its finished locking them they are likely already dead


The Torrent has arrived

I did not feel his missiles on me. There are better bustards out there.

Hopefully the deluge will save the miners.

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These new ships have clearly changed everything.

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