Tribute to CCP Guard

For many of us, CCP Guard was the face of EVE. Whether it was his role in some outlandish video, leading Permaband in some great song, or being the game’s best ambassador at EVE fests. I know that many of us will miss his presence, although we all look forward to meeting up with him in game. I would like to comemerate his tenure with CCP by some kind of in game permanent presence.

I propose that a Freeport station be erected in his honor. Title it “The Guardhouse” (perhaps The Guardhus). Have a big Permaband holographic logo on it and have the ambient in station sound play Permaband songs. Since he has been with EVE since near the start, I think an appropriate location would be overlooking the EVE Gate in the New Eden system. Now there would be even more reason for each EVE player to make the pilgrimage to the place were the adventure began.

My feeling is that we shouldn’t always wait until we completely lose a person we consider a friend to honor him in game.


You know, he is not dead yet? :wink:

If we honor and celebrate those in our universe that make a positive difference for many people only after their passing, then we diminish some of what they accomplished as well as ourselves. To many of us, Guard was the face and voice of EVE for well over a decade; any replacement has a very high standard to match. Just feel that the guy has earned some in game acknowledgement. YVMV.


Funny on so many levels. :blush:

Make it so we can put on our vr headsets and its like we are there at the concert

Well, I felt saying a structure should be “engorged” would be wrong,too…:wink:

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I agree with the idea of a tribute because Guard is pretty badass.

I get the feeling it’s likely there’s something already in the works…

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