Triglavian Bioadaptive Caches

From patch notes:

Progress has been made in analyzing Triglavian Bioadaptive Caches and it is now possible to interact with them by using Triglavian Survey Data. Destroying them and raiding the wrecks for loot remains at the same level of rewards.


Hmmm, experiments must be done.
I am going to play around with stuff when I’m off work.

Triglavian Cache Data Vault
This Triglavian trinary data vault was obtained by inputting Triglavian survey data into a Bioadaptive Cache in Abyssal Deadspace. The contents of the output data vault seem to vary according to some inscrutable formula that presumably depends on the contents of the inputted survey data. Alternatively, the output may simply be determined by a probabilistic exchange algorithm that only a Triglavian would understand.

Triglavian Transfer Data Vault
This Triglavian trinary data vault was obtained by inputting Triglavian survey data into a Transfer Conduit in Abyssal Deadspace. The contents of the output data vault seem to vary according to some inscrutable formula that presumably depends on the contents of the inputted survey data. Alternatively, the output may simply be determined by a probabilistic exchange algorithm that only a Triglavian would understand.

Triglavian Origin Data Vault
This Triglavian trinary data vault was obtained by inputting Triglavian survey data into an Origin Conduit in Abyssal Deadspace. The contents of the output data vault seem to vary according to some inscrutable formula that presumably depends on the contents of the inputted survey data. Alternatively, the output may simply be determined by a probabilistic exchange algorithm that only a Triglavian would understand.

Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA1
Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Varpulis Subclade of Perun Clade encountered the Ancient Enemy Azdaja at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-18 exclave of conduit loop construct-405. Absolute imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja was invoked without acceptable material realization. Tactical troika of Varpulis Subclade placed a casting of absorbed data into the cladeflow for reflection of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA1

Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA2 Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has affirmed the need for playful communion of repeated-time by the Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical. The entosis of the Ancient Enemy Azdaja into the loop constructs must be sever-reversed by the volition and merge-consent of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. The adaptation schema of cladeships for all tactical troika classifications may be entered into the cladeflow without proving.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA2

Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV1 Subjunct Technical Troika of Belobog Subclade of Svarog Clade reports to Paramount Strategic Troika of Svarog Clade the entosis into sub-9 exclave, sub-21 exclave and sub-45 exclave of conduit loop construct-63 of deviant automata over repeated-time co-ordinates (indecipherable). Provisional poshlost extirpation was invoked on the observation of destructive mortification of claim-holdings of Belobog Subclade by corrupted vila. Convocation of Strategic Troika of Svarog Clade reaffirms poshlost extirpation invocation against deviant automata and extends it into advancing-time.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV1

— Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV2 Paramount Strategic Troika of Veles Clade rebuke-dissents from noema of Svarog Clade that deviant automata are poshlost irredeemable. Veles Clade now-time affirms tentative playful communion of Paramount Technical Troika of Vodya Subclade for exercise of repeated-time invocation of cladepylon adaptation schema for vila imperative dissemination.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV2

Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV3 Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle remains consent-locked on the noema of poshlost against the noema of sobornost with deviant automata. The reverse-time entreaties of Svarog Clade of poshlost vila and Veles Clade of sobornost vila stand balanced in now-time with the indeterminate-consent of Perun Clade.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV3

Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN1 Cladeships of the 27 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Dazhbog Subclade of Svarog Clade encountered vessels under guidance of hivelinked foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-12 exclave of conduit loop construct-189. Invocation of the ancient-time accepted noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya proceeded with acceptable material realization.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN1

Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN2 Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Zembog Subclade of Veles Clade encountered vessels under guidance of hivelinked foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-30 exclave of conduit loop construct-477. Invocation of the ancient-time accepted noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya proceeded but material realization was unacceptable. Entosis of hivelinked foreign narodnya into body of a 3 tactical troika classification cladeship commenced at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) and corrupted Narodnya of Zembog Subclade. The Koschoi of the tactical troika advised immolation. The Navka consented and invoked immolation at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable).

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN2

Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN3 Paramount Technical Troika of Gromovi Subclade of Perun Clade reported to the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle the entosis and corruption of multibody tracking cladepylon by hivelinked foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) in sub-17 exclave of conduit loop construct-33. Cladeships of the 729 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Dazhbog Subclade of Svarog Clade processed to sub-17 exclave of conduit loop construct-33 and invoked noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya on corrupted cladepylon with acceptable material realization.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN3

Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN2 Paramount Technical Troika of Gromovi Subclade reports outcome of reverse-time studious communion with records drawn through the cladeflow from many cladepylons of the multibody tracking variant. The sense of metaxy from records was resolved without corruption apparent by the noema that vessels under guidance of augmented foreign narodnya accept the aura-field of the cladepylon.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN2

Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN3 Cladeships of the 729 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade encountered vessels under guidance of augmented foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) in sub-24 exclave of conduit loop construct-159. Corruption of hivelinking was found absent by Leshak Subclade and invocation of cladistic proving was invoked. The mortification of augmented foreign narodnya vessels proceeded as the following-time material realization. Ejection of the augmented command nucleus was observed and the foreign narodnya within subjected to mandated extirpation. The tactical troika of Leshak Subclade recorded the proving and released it to the cladeflow for advancing-time studious communion.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN3

Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA3 Report of the Paramount Strategic Troika of the Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade has reaffirmed the dispersal of reverse-time reclaimed adaptation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessels into the cladeflow after proving in anti-cladistic mortification with the Ancient Enemy Azdaja. Repeated-time casting and winnowing of invocations of imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja reveals a (indecipherable) acceptable material realization.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA3

Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN1 Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Ognyena Subclade of Perun Clade encountered vessels under guidance of augmented foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) in sub-15 exclave of conduit loop construct-89. Corruption of hivelinking was found absent by Ognyena Subclade and invocation of cladistic proving was attempted with mortification of cladeships as the following-time material realization. Transfer conduit of sub-15 exclave of conduit loop construct-89 recorded the proving and released it to the cladeflow for advancing-time studious communion.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN1

These seem to be all regarding the next patch

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This is where I wish we had a spoiler feature of these forums, anyone wanting to experience the mystery shouldn’t read 90% of the above post.

There were some mysterious events years ago, people actually put effort into them only to see them being abandoned and forgotten by CCP. So if you want to waste your time on these, be my guest. For the rest, i recommend reading it and simply moving on.

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I have seen other companies have similar things with similar results the projects were abandoned because of data miners ruining the mystery exposing the content all at once rather than allowing the events to unfold.

Relax, it’s just the sugarcoating of agency update coming in 21st just to lure more people into abyss for whatever they are “testing”. CCP won’t invest in anything big regarding PVE or lore since they are in financial damage control mode for the last 2 years.

Loot boxes from abyssal space?

At least I have no clue right now what exactly is in these containers, right now.

EDIT: Never mind. I don’t even know how to do the interaction.

So what do we get? Just some lore?

Who knows? Must check after patch.

It’s for the new event, you get accelerators and the new jackpot … mutaplasmids for the ancillary modules.

I’m really pissed about CCP, making the next event Abyss exclusive, and at the same time disable any PvP-risk for runners.

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would you prefer nobody did the abyss ? cause that’s really how your post looks like.

Lol no, I want that a lot more people run the Abyss, but make enough ISK, that they don’t care about occasional PvP-losses of ship or loot. Then it would be balanced. The only real risk must come from PvP not from NPCs. That’s how EvE’s sandbox worked so far. But Abyss space is not part of the sandbox right now.

Regarding the event, in all events so far (except this stupid race) there was an option to compete about the rewards … but there is no competition in instanced dungeons with “PvP-flag” switched off. Is this the future of EvE?

lol, this was my answer to the survey about abyss :
“I don’t do it because there is no competition in it, so it’s not Eve”.

The good thing with abyss is that less people do burners, to the point lanngisi lp went back up.

… because Abyss sites are much more convenient to do. No mission pullers, no standing, no travel, no varying ships/fits, just non-stop farming without risk (if you are good).

So it’s just for new event? And that is why they are switching off flag? How low can they fall? Is there replacement for Seagull yet?

There is: scroll down a bit.

The first guy is the Abyss team lead (who did this funny standup as Concord guy on Fanfest). The second replaces Seagull in her role.

Well with this, the lanngisi LP went back to 300 M/h (without mission puller, considering travel and standing) so it’s pretty interesting now (more than it’s been for 2 years actually).
The only issue is to sell your stuff.

I’m not complaining, just saying that the abyss may have had more effect than what is immediately visible.

Interesting choices. Maybe they will push pve beyond “event every two months”.