Triglavian mining vessel/ New alpha ship and mining bs

Excuse me but enough already, jeez you people just won’t quit with all the bot hype. Most bot-mining accounts are Omega anyway.

Also I thought Alpha accounts couldn’t be multiboxed. If you have proof that’s being done then you should definitely inform CCP about it.

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While I like the general premise of your idea, I don’t think the game should have more options available to stay Alpha. The game needs to have more incentive for players to sub Omega.


Agreed. There are too many concessions already given to Alphas. If they keep giving more and more, Alphas will never be inspired to start paying for the game. They’ll just keep being beggers Alphas.

Also, I think there are too many Mining things already.

  • Venture is the mining Frigate.
  • Porpoise is the small scale mining booster.
  • Barges are the mining Cruisers
  • Orca is the large scale mining booster.
  • Exhumers are the mining BS

These days, the Rorq has completely forgotten it’s purpose since you can compress with a Citadel. And the Orca is a large scale Fleet Booster. Personally, I’d retire the Rorqs. I’d scrap the Excavators, and I’d force large scale mining operations to rely on Orcas and Exhumers. A single pilot shouldn’t be clear cutting belts in a Rorq.


Kinda pointless for alphas to wish for better mining vessels as well, because all they will achieve is greater quantities of (ore) minerals mined meaning the mineral prices will drop due to increased supply but no additional demand, thus they will not just not gain more ISK but probably will gain less in the end.



More people who don’t know what they’re talking about when it can be easily found with a quick Google search.

If you read the rest, you’d know what I mean.
It started out as a Capital class Booster and Compressor. They didn’t have mining lasers or mining drones, their only job was to provide overwatch and squish stuff so the Haulers could fit more per trip.

Then we gave them 5 little pet Hulks they can deploy at will. They can strip a field faster than a whole group of noobs. They turned into the AFK ISK production vessel of choice, at least as long as nobody says the word “Blackout!”

They aren’t boosting anyone but themselves anymore. They aren’t compressing anything since you can do it easier in a Citadel. All they’re doing is mining up huge swaths at a time. Why not just retire them, and make people group up again. If you want to chew through belt after belt, do it with a fleet of Hulks, not a single Rorq.


Because I would rather relax and mine in one Rorqual than have to deal with 20+ accounts and keep alt tabbing between them as their ore holds fill up.

Yet even more nonsense from someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about.


Ah, so you see the root of the issue. Who the ■■■■ said you get to do this all by yourself? If you’re flying a Capital, you’re living in dangerous space. Maybe you shouldn’t be sitting out there by yourself. Maybe you should have a fleet of friends to play this Massively Multiplayer game with. It’s not supposed to be a Massively Singleplayer while you circle jerk 20 alts.


Lmao, imagine being this much of a pretentious tit that you think you can tell other people how they’re supposed to play a video game.

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Strange you’d say that since you seem to constantly do that in almost every single thread you post in.


What else are these forums for? Other than voicing your opinion about how things are, or could be.

I think it’s ridiculous how the devs have made Alts such an acceptable practice. You’d never see multiboxing in other MMOs the same way it’s done as common practice around here. And even if multiboxing is allowed and accepted, why is one of the easiest and most profitable activities in the game solo’able and AFK’able? Why shouldn’t it require a fleet of Hulks to accomplish what a single Rorq can do while the player is probably asleep?

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Yeah, and I think it’s a good thing. Instead of whining and crying like you are, why don’t you embrace it?

Risk vs Reward, kiddo.
You’re setting several billions of ISK worth of assets on a field locked in place for several minutes vulnerable to attack. It better be worth.

Why should it require a fleet of Hulks? Please explain that first.

By “embrace it” you mean throw handfuls of money at CCP to sub extra accts, and Inject the hell outta them so they can actually do something comparable to my main. “Embrace” feeding the corporate greed machine? =)

I already explained why it should require a fleet of Hulks. It’s an MMO, not an MSO. Massively multiplayer, not single player. A single pilot can run a single L4 mission and make X amount of money. But a fleet of ships can go run Incursions or Invasions and rake in TONS more in less time. So get rid of the single Rorq pilot since Rorqs no longer do anything they were intended for, and bring in a fleet of ships instead.

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You’re free to stop playing the game whenever you want, dear.

Tell me where it says in this golden rule book of MMOs that people aren’t allowed to multibox.

I agree, back when I started playing in 2008 there use to be fleets of Hulks mining in Asteroid Belts, was a great light show, very impressive and definitely a site to behold.

Good news is that you can still do this! :slight_smile:

If you’re going to keep participating, you should pay attention to what’s already been said. And maybe try not to contradict yourself so quickly.

You were the one who said you’d rather keep cheating the system with a single Rorq rather than having to bring 20 alts. If you’re now ready to support the idea for multiboxing instead of solo’ing your way to riches, then my work here is done.

Multibox, or don’t. Bring friends instead. But I think it’s ridiculous that we stopped using the Rorq as a Foreman craft, and turned it into the epitome of mining vessels instead. Why fly a Hulk, why fly 20 Hulks, when you can fly a single Rorq instead.

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There it is again. This weird thought that Rorquals are “cheating” somehow. You still don’t understand, do you? Not surprising though. CCP wants Rorquals to be the single most powerful mining ship in the game. With that, comes a fairly high barrier to entry, including ISK/Asset/SP investments.

You’re free to whine and cry all you want, but that’s the goal of CCP.

How about I multibox AND bring friends? :thinking:

Yet again, this has already been answered. If you ask this question one more time, I’m going to assume you’re intentionally being a moron. Here’s the link again that explains why.

You seem to be missing the point, too busy calling names.

I don’t think they should have given up and said “The Rorqual was supposed to be a kick ass Foreman, but now we’re going to make it the best Miner too”. I’m saying they should have retired the Rorqual and left the mining to the miners.