Ok I realize the first suggestion doesn’t stand a chance in Niffelheim, but here goes the curser… cursor… could you make it a little larger and maybe let a player color it… Us older players eyes are not always as sharp you younger players. So a little larger and being able to use a color to make it stand out would be nice.
Second the Dscanner. I do not know who thought hey lets send a new player with out a clue into the wilds of New Eden. And not having explained that the Directional Scanner is necessary to know who is the same system as you are. Especially if you are not looking to easily getting ganked by a suicide ganker.
Aura explains what buttons to tap to warp, approach, and jump. Sure when you do the explorer missions you learn how to use probes and how to scan down anomalies and such. But again nothing about the Dscan and why it is necessary to keep open.
Though I heard through chat and else where that the dscan was a good thing to keep open. but never just why or how to use it. Also keeping local chat open as well.
It wasn’t till after the wife and I joined the corp that we did. Were we let in on the joke, that all this time we were virtually sitting ducks for anyone to land on grid with us. Joyous…
Having Aura talk about the dscan at some point during that very short tutorial would be helpful. Nothing in depth. Just push this button and then push that button and never close it while in flight or when mining as it tells who is around you that is not cloaked.
It might save that intrepid player that insists on visiting lowsec. Maybe lands in a wormhole accidently. Perhaps gives that new player a heads up on a ship nearby that doesn’t look right.
I know my first suggestion is in all likelihood is not going get any traction. The second one though. I am asking as a new player that a quick run down on the dscan be made part of the tutorial.
I think a small mention of the directional scanner would be nice for the tutorial, just to make new players aware that it exists.
I also think that new players can easily learn to function in EVE without directional scanner. If you are learning to warp between belts, gates and stations, learn what solar systems are and how to find a route, learn how to fit ships, shoot enemies, mine rocks, how to buy and sell items… there is no need for a directional scanner.
You can do that blind.
This means there is no reason to increase the learning load even more for these new players by introducing the directional scanner just yet.
Only once you start flying more expensive ships or venture into more dangerous parts of space outside high security space or start looking for other players to shoot in for example faction warfare you will need to learn how to see beyond your current overview. This is a great time to get to know the directional scanner and how to use it.
A lot of coding for not a lot of impact, considering Whinedoze comes with an option to hit a key and highlight your cursor. For Linux, it depends on the distro, but it’s either native or a packet you can install.
On top of that, damn near everything has a keyboard shortcut. You’re older, why haven’t you used your time to learn the shortcuts?
My question is, why are they not curious what the 5 buttons on the left side of the HUD do? Because one of them opens the dscan window.
“On top of that, damn near everything has a keyboard shortcut. You’re older, why haven’t you used your time to learn the shortcuts?”
Because I am not technologically savvy as you youngsters. Pong was the first game I ever played. I never got into computer or console gaming. Didn’t have a computer till the late 1990’s. Was working to much to bother. So yeah… Cut the old guy a break here.
If you know how to at least increase the size of that blasted curser. Do let the old guy in the room know. It would be appreciated.
I agree. The D-scanner is an essential tool for survival in new eden. It doesn’t matter what space you are in. Your D-scanner is your first, and best defense. Especially when it comes to ganks.
He who has the most information in EvE, wins the battles. And I’ve found it odd that this essential tool is completely ignored as a critical gameplay mechanic. CCP needs to add this as part of the tutorial, and best if the tutorial is about how to avoid ganks in highsec.
So, why didn’t you click on the button to open it in the first 20 minutes of playing the game?
It’s not like the button to open it is hidden, it’s right there on the HUD. Do you need your hand held that badly that you don’t even experiment with the interface of a game to see what does what?
Oh, wait, that affirmatively answered my question.
Avoiding a gank in highsec is stupidly easy. Just don’t be greedy. I stopped being greedy and stopped worrying about ganks. Only when I get greedy do I get nervous now, because I know I’m going to be an active target.
as another old guy I understand the curse of the cursor. I went into windows and added the find cursor feature to keep myself from playing where is waldo.
d-scan and pvp are the two things that people ask to have added to the tutorial (often ask that is)
I am still trying to come up with a suggestion that will not be taken advantage of by experienced players who enjoy driving new players away. Best I have thought of so far is an arena that is only open to people who have not won in said arena, ever. The argument against it is that it would be a case of the blind leading the blind for that event.
A click through tutorial to find a well defended agent in space in the rookie system? Kind of like they use for the basic controls at the beginning of the tutorial, where Aura is telling you what’s going on and guiding you back to base. Agent moves from site to site, so you need to dscan which one he’s at. Zero combat, just find the agent.
I’m not sure if it’s greed, persay. Perhaps more like complacency?
As a pro ganker, I have ganked before, a number of times roleplaying as an environmental terrorist, which was fun. And a few times when someone was trash talking in local and being a real problem. That’s the nice thing about EvE, actions have consequences.
And I believe that the EvE universe should be dark and dystopic. That there is no “safe space.”
Nope, it’s greed. I know never to put over a billion isk of cargo in my haulers, and if I follow this rule, it’s clear jumping from Jita to Amarr. When I willingly put more than that in there, I get hunted and have to avoid a gank.
I learned long ago, complacency will kill you faster in EvE than it will in real life.
After the the tutorial there should never be a safe place in Eve. At the same time arming the new player with the knowledge of the dscan at some point in that tutorial should happen as well.
While, yes, we both continued to play the game in spite of not initially understanding the dscan. How long did all of us fly blind and not know we were doing just that.
To put it simply I think that having the dscan briefly explained and why it is important would give a good heads up to that new player. The explanation does not have to be in depth.
I am all for helping those that come behind me. Getting this crucial information to a new player in my opinion is a need that should be addressed.
At the same time I am not saying spoon feed all information about the dscan. Just a brief explanation of its use and it’s importance of monitoring the local area.