UI : Chat channel : Member count by standing or color tag

For more efficient data presentation, add two rows of icons in the blank space next to the channel settings icon.

Feature 1: These would indicate channel member count by standing in the first row.
Feature 2: These would indicate channel member count by color tag in the second row.

Visual example 1 (pardon the poor photoshop)

Reference icons 1

Feature 1 is aimed for null sec players.

Feature 2 is aimed for empire players.

No because:

  1. Every time they touch chat it is broken for years
  2. Local needs to be removed not enhanced


Local needs to be removed not enhanced


Because it’s excessive effort free Intel.
This idea would make it even worse.

Constelation chat is a reasonable compromise as it isn’t as much of an exact give away.

Corp/alliance/fleet is fine. But no to standings or war targets.

I’m in favor of enhancing “Local Intel”, but the manner in which this proposal would do it is poor. Prior proposals have been raised that do it better than this. Do it right or don’t do it at all.

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