UI did a complete reset. Are there settings in the EVE folder to recover?

Do yourselves a favor - backup your settings.

Go to the C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\c_program_files_(x86)_eve_LOGINNAME_sharedcache_tq_tranquility\settings_LOGINNAME folder - there you’ll see a file (or a bunch of files if you have more than one character) named something like core_char_XXXXX.dat. Those are your “layout” setting files. Make a backup of them every so often (along with exporting your overview settings). If the client resets all your ■■■■, just copy your core_char_XXXXX.dat file into that directory and your settings will be restored: chat channels, window layout, etc. I have 11 toons and was able to put everything back together in about 5 minutes. Import your overview (if necessary) and you’re set.

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