I’ll take them if your going ahead!
I’m going to do some math and see around how much more I can effectively utilize tonight and will update tomorrow with how many more shares I’m opening up.
On the off chance someone wants to fill it, I am actually going to open up 200 more shares. These will be B-Shares, and available immediately.
write me down please, with 20b.
Send ISK to Cecilia Agittain, once received then you get written in the Op
I’ll fill remaining, 180 bil? isk to Cecilia Agittain?
money been transferred.
Isk sent
So I suppose this scam was a success?
One would hope this isn’t a scam. Nightfox has been active in a lot of discords I’ve been in, been helpful to a lot of people.
There has been no official word from him, only speculation. However the longer it goes on without any info, the more it appears to be.
Edit: Whelp
I’d like to thank you all for your very kind donation to fund the rest of my Eve Career. Yes this last investment ended up being a scam, though originally wasn’t started that way. Kinda sorry for those it may affect, but in the end it’s Eve and everyone knew the risks. My best regards to you all.
Called it in April.
That’s okay. Let me know if you need further loans. Collateralized in the future though
WTB quick way to make isk
That’s it I’m done with this game, want to sell my last piece of tritanium…
Never trust a Goon .
Shut up and take my isk!
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