Uncovering Alts

Do you know who else runs away from PvP? Exactly, you. I can still remember how hilarious it was when you created a thread that basically said that your inability to quit the corp to dodge the wardec was an exploit. :rofl:

Wrong, actually I came looking for you in Dihra and Riavayed, but you were nowhere around.

You wouldn’t last long in any PvP match anyway given your -10 sec status.

I can see that you are able to fight in a fleet, that’s good for you. But when it comes to solo PvP your kills are Rookie Ships mostly…a few CODE kills yourself. Revis Owen | Character | zKillboard

Tear bucket for ya lad.

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I need to find a way to harvest this Vitriol. Cut it with meth, sell it on the street and start the apocalypse.

This thread is hilarious lol.

Well I just killed some illegal miners there and was in local for like forever with Karak, who is not -10. You may remember him from the time when we had a wardec and you ran away into an NPC corp because you where scared to the bones :rofl:


nice running away fam XD

Edit: he ded


I’ll come kill you… Name a time and place I fly solo most of the time…

Are you insinuating that I’m revis Owen?? Because I’m saeger… Please look up correct characters for insults on zkill… Noob

I didn’t run away Dom. I fought you on the gate. I have found out that when you accelerate away from or towards a target that you get one or two volleys of near max DPS.

F.Y.I. Dead is spelled dead not ded. Quit trying to create the perception of being different.

You’r the one who said that you were Revis Owen.

Since most of your kills are in High Sec I doubt that you would last long in Low Sec due to the security loss that you would then have to grind NPC’s to recover. One Low Sec kill maybe two or three. But you won’t last in a combat active Low Sec.

Bring your ships though. I only fly T1 ships to let you know. So any T2 or TIII that you bring, I will not be a match for.

That was in Asghatil
You didn’t get the chance to use that mwd of yours in Gomati :sweat_smile:

Ded is the proper term
Dead would have been if you had even been a challenge lol

This is your first week right?

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So do they.

Traversal is your friend.

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I still lured you into Low Sec which is rather dumb if you don’t know the region.

Another mistake is hanging around the gate into Gomati from Bar. The gate between Bar and Gomati sees a lot of activity from PL and other Elite alliances and Pirates that use Bar as their access point into Low and Null.

You never PvP on a gate if you are in Low because you can’t escape back through the gate if a pirate fleet shows up. If a pirate fleet would have shown up, I would have continued to attack you to ensure that your gate timer was full just to collect tears after being blown by the pirates who would then blow you up.

Not very elite.

I have tested this many times flying a Talos against both ships and stations in Null. The greater the distance you lose your DPS but when you accelerate towards the target and begin shooting at it your DPS does in fact reach near max DPS potential every time. As soon as you burn away from the target your DPS dips considerably until you start another MWD approach on it.

I’m not disputing that burning towards or away from a target lets you get in some decent hits, I’m just pointing out that by doing so you allow them the same opportunity.

That the DPS changes with distance is well known, once you’re in falloff the DPS drops notably.

I’ve never said I’m revis Owen… Do you have proof?
I live in null now, so how will I die badly?

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I spent my first 2 years in the area

But I did
And I killed you.

It’s not my first rodeo on a gate (lol)

You would have died and I would have gotten out :joy:
I have friends in a lot of places…

If only that’s how it worked

Must be great living in Unicorn-Land :joy:

What are you if I’m not very elite? :thinking:


Get wrekt

You can’t even fit a ship right and you don’t even understand the games mechanics after all these years you’ve played… Hilarious :rofl:


Every time I think ag is failing so hard right now they actually reached the very bottom, a few days later you watch how they somehow discover a new sub-level as they break trough it’s ceiling.


No such thing as elite alliances. There are only large and small alliances, and size wins. No room for elitism when all you need is one good FC with all other pilots following orders.

You can then drop the “pirate” from “pirate fleet”, because they all open fire as soon as it’s opportune.