Just want to list some under used or known mining modules and techniques that I think should be used more than they currently are. And hopefully learn some from you guys.
Higgs Anchor I :
This rig is great for slow aligning mining ships, like barges and some of the large mining boosting ships.
What it does is allow a ship to stay fully aligned and at the speed needed to initiate warp, while still being slow enough to stay in range of asteroids for a long time (usually slowed to under 50 m/s).
Once something you don’t like pops up in belt or d-scan, you can warp out INSTANTLY. Faster than what it takes for a Venture to align and warp out. If you do this before they can get a lock on you (ideally as soon as you seen them on grid), you are essentially untouchable.
It is useful when mining in “dangerous territory”, or when you want to avoid dying to gankers or war targets. In my opinion it is better than the tankiest of fits, since if you are locked and scrabbled, tanks just delay the inevitable.
Not used very often. Probably because for it to be useful, you need to be actively looking out for trouble and not passively mining semi-AFK.
Modulated Deep Core Miner II with Tech 2 Mining Crystals :
Might be well known to others, but not me. Just recently learned that this module can use crystal charges when mining and increases yield significantly for those in mining frigates.
A Prospect (Tech 2 Expedition Frigate) with mining laser upgrades can out mine a max level Mining Barge with Tech 1 Strip Miners and no mining upgrades.
So if you fly a tank fitted Procurer, a yield fitted Prospect can out mine you (if you have the right crystals). It is also a lot faster at travelling than a mining barge is, so getting your ore out is a lot faster and safer.
The reason it is probably not used is because if you are not mining max yield in a barge, you aren’t really mining at all .
Befriending NPC Mining Corporations
The new NPC mining operations might be annoying to some. They mine ore that is to never be seen again, and if attacked respond with a pretty OP fleet of new NPCs.
But an overlooked new addition is that if you have excellent standing (which is a lot 10.0 standing), they will actually aid you with logistics frigates when you are under attack (and mining in the same belt as them).
If you are mining in lowsec, these guys could give you an increased chance to fight back against would be pirates. Or last long enough for an ally to aid you.
I haven’t personally tried this yet, excellent standing is a very long grind. But I might post about it later. I haven’t seen any videos or posts about it’s usefulness yet.
And again, probably not used since grinding to excellent standing is hard to do, and not needed for a NPC mining corporation, till now.
I personally wish they would decrease the requirement for logi help from 10.0 standing to 5.0 standing, and have it when you have excellent standing, the OP aggressive response fleet comes to save you.
Would make killing a lowsec miner a bit more trivial.
Well that is all the niche mining things I know about. If you guys have any to share, that would be great to.
Mine Safe o7