Upcoming Changes to Drone Aggression

[ctiation needed]


Here’s an example of CCP telling people how they can/can’t play.

Nothing that you’ve said here is substantial. It’s just off topic comments.

Like everyone else has said here, CCP’s stated reason is to reduce the amount of low-attention gameplay by using Drones. People have rationally come to the conclusion that one of the biggest areas of the game this impacts is low-attention afk nullsec krabbing, but they also realize that it impacts other aspects of the game.

You have not actually shown why this is a bad thing. At best, you’ve pointed to how this impacts other aspects of the game, to which the answer has been “yes, it will impact other aspects of the game, but players will be able to adapt.” Yet you refuse to accept the fact that players will (like they have for the past 16+ years) adapt to changes that take place.